Create Spatial Proximity Queries Using Risk Component Scores

You can use risk component scores to create spatial proximity queries in rehab decision trees.

  1. Set up a spatial proximity risk component. See Set Up Consequence of Failure (CoF) for more information.
  2. Set up the classes for the component so that there are only two scores, effectively creating a boolean.
    For example, if you want to identify pipes that cross a railway line, you could set anything within 5 ft to a score of 1 (this will be your 'true' value) and anything over 5 ft to a score of 2 (your 'false' value).
  3. Next, in your rehab decision tree, create a query using the risk component you created and your true value.
    Note: Make sure to choose the component score, not the weighted component score.
    In this example, we would create a query where our CoF component 'Crosses Railway' is equal to 1 (our 'true' value).
  4. Assign true and false actions and then run the decision tree to get the results.