Create Queries and Rules

A query is a condition statement that is answered with a "True" or "False" output.

For example, "Risk grade equals Extreme" or "Structural Peak Score is greater than 4".

A rule is the logic created to build the query.

To build a query:

  1. Click on add (+) Query
  2. At the top of the panel, enter a name that reflects the condition statement. This name is that will be displayed on the tree. For example, "Is risk grade extreme?".
  3. Click on Add Rule to build the query logic.
  4. Select a Record Type (see below for more details), Field, Operator and Value. The options available will vary depending on what you select.
    For example:
    • Record Type: Inspection
    • Field: Risk Has_Inspection
    • Operator: Boolean
    • Value: Yes
  5. Click Save.
  6. Add more rules or filters if you want a more complex query. See examples below.
  7. When you have finished building your rules, click Add to Tree.

Record types

Queries with more than one rule

You can create more complex queries by adding And/Or operators and additional rules.

For example, this query has two sets of grouped rules and will find assets that have inspections from before 2012 OR that don't have any inspections and have an Extreme risk grade.

Queries with filters

For certain fields, it is possible to add a filter to query specific characteristics of that field. For example, if you add a rule with the Defect Count field, you can add a filter for specific defect codes.

The Open Filters option will appear when you create a rule with fields that support filters.