Map Fields for Water Distribution Pipes

When importing your asset GIS layers, you are required to map the fields in your source to the fields in Info360 Asset (target fields). This table explains each of the target fields.

Target fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Target Field Field Type Field Description
assetId * string Unique ID for the asset.
accessRestrictions string Any restrictions on gaining access to the land in which the pipe is located. E.g., Private Land.
altAssetId string Alternative ID for the asset. For example, this may be an ID used in other asset management systems, such as CMMS.
areaCode string The ID of the zone in which the asset is contained.
barcode string A barcode which is used to identify the object.
beddingMaterial string Bedding material. E.g., Sand, Concrete, etc.
capacity number Capacity of the pipe flowing full.
conditionGrade number A measure of asset condition.
consequenceComments string Additional comments regarding risk factors and scores.
constructionMethod string Construction method, e.g., Open cut, Narrow trench, etc.
criticality string A measure of the likely impact of asset failure.
criticalityScore number Risk associated with service interruption to customers. Score of 1-5, where 1 is low risk and 5 is high risk.
currentValue currency Current value of the asset. This gives an indication of depreciation costs, as depreciation cost = installation cost - current value.
dateCleaned datetime The date the asset last underwent maintenance to improve performance (swabbing, scouring). Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
dateInstalled datetime The date when the asset was installed. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
dateLined datetime The date when the asset was lined. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
dateRenewed datetime The date the asset was last restored to its initial condition (replaced, relined). Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
depthOfCover number Distance between crown of pipe and ground level.
dsNodeId string Downstream node ID.
externalDiameter number Actual diameter measured between outside walls of pipe.
externalProtection string External Protection. E.g. Cement, Polythene Sleeve, etc.
externalProtectionDate datetime The date when external protection was applied. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
flowReversals string Information regarding change of direction of flow in pipe under normal operating conditions.
inspectionCost currency Estimated cost of asset inspection.
installCost currency The original installation cost of the asset. This generally includes all costs incurred (e.g. labor time, asset purchase costs, etc.). This information may be used in depreciation reports.
internalDiameter number Actual diameter measured between internal walls of pipe.
jointType string Joint type. E.g., Lead, Flanged, Rubber Push, etc.
length number Pipe length.
lifetime number The expected lifetime of the asset. This may be used in depreciation reports as the period over which installation costs may be depreciated.
liningMaterial string Lining material. E.g., Plastic.
liningType string Lining type. E.g., Structural, Non-structural, etc.
location string Address or description of site at which asset is located.
manufacturer string The name of the company who fabricated the asset.
material string Pipe material. E.g., CI, PVC, etc.
maxVelocity number Maximum velocity experienced in pipe under normal operating conditions.
minVelocity number Minimum velocity experienced in pipe under normal operating conditions.
nominalDiameter number Standard nominal pipe size.
notes string Freeform notes about the pipe.
operationalStatus string The current functionality of the asset. E.g., Abandoned, Standby, In Use.
owner string The proprietor of the asset.
pipeClass string Code indicating pipe specification details, such as material, pressure rating, wall thickness etc. E.g., Class 1, Class 2, etc.
pressureRating number Maximum design working pressure of pipe.
railBusinessDisruptionRisk number Risk associated with service interruption to rail, road, business, emergency services, etc., in the event of a pipe failure.
rehabCost currency Rehabilitation costs to be incurred in bringing the asset to an acceptable condition.
rehabMethod string Rehabilitation method. E.g. Flush, Replace, Clean, etc.
replaceCost currency The estimated cost for completely replacing an asset.
security string The security of the asset from unauthorized access/tampering. E.g., Vulnerable, Secure.
soilType string A description of the material surrounding the asset that could influence condition grading and rehabilitation method. E.g., Peat, Clay, Sand.
specialInstructions string Notes containing any additional instructions that a person carrying out work on the asset or task should be aware of.
surfaceType string A description of the ground use in close proximity to the asset that may influence access/costs for monitoring, maintenance or construction purposes. E.g., Road, Pavement, Field.
surveyDate datetime Date of the most recent condition survey of the asset. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
trafficDivertable boolean Indicates whether it is possible to divert any traffic on routes located near this pipe or not.
trafficLevel number An indication of the volume of traffic on routes located near this pipe.
type string Pipe type. E.g., Pumped, Rising, Gravity, etc.
underBuilding boolean Indicates whether the pipe runs under a building or not.
usNodeId string Upstream node ID.
use string Pipe use. E.g., Trunk Main, Distribution Main, Supply Pipe, etc.