Map Fields for Sanitary Sewer Manholes

When importing your asset GIS layers, you are required to map the fields in your source to the fields in Info360 Asset (target fields). This table explains each of the target fields.

Target fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Target Field Field Type Field Description
assetId * string Unique ID for the asset.
accessAction string Any actions required to access the manhole. E.g., Keys Needed, Police Assistance, etc.
accessTime string Time at which the manhole can be accessed. E.g., Outside working hours.
benchMaterial string MACP Coding Standard field. Material of the bench.
chamberDim float Dimension of manhole chamber.
chamberDim2 float Dimension of manhole chamber.
chamberFloorDepth float Distance between chamber floor and manhole cover level.
channelType string MACP Coding Standard field. Type of channel.
chimneyDepth float MACP Coding Standard field. Vertical depth from the top of the rim to the bottom of the chimney.
coneDepth float MACP Coding Standard field. Vertical distance from the top of the rim to the bottom of the cone.
coneType string MACP Coding Standard field. Type of cone.
coverDim float Size of manhole cover.
coverDim2 float Size of manhole cover.
coverDuty string Cover duty. E.g., Light, Medium, Heavy, etc.
coverLevel float Height above datum of manhole cover.
coverLocked boolean Indicates whether the manhole cover is locked or not.
coverShape string Cover shape. E.g. Circular, Square, etc.
criticality string A measure of the likely impact of asset failure. The WRC SRM uses the codes A, B, C to represent "A" sewers where failures would be expensive to "C" where failures would be relatively cheap.
drainageArea string MACP Coding Standard field. Drainage area name.
gasType string Gas Type. E.g. CH4, H2S, Explosive.
gradeToInvert float MACP Coding Standard field. Distance between the grade (ground) level and the pipe invert level.
groundLevel float Height above datum of ground surface.
inletType string Inlet type. E.g., Continuous Grate, Sag Combination, etc.
location string Address or description of site at which manhole is located.
locationCode string MACP Coding Standard field. Ground cover description.
locationDetails string MACP Coding Standard field. Manhole location description.
material string General material of the manhole.
numLadders float Number of ladders installed in manhole.
numLandings float Number of landings installed in manhole.
numRegulating float Number of regulating courses in manhole.
numSteps float Number of steps installed in manhole.
owner string The proprietor of the asset.
rimToGrade float MACP Coding Standard field. Distance between the rim of the upstream manhole (access point) and the grade (ground) level.
rimToInvert float MACP Coding Standard field. Distance between the rim of the upstream manhole (access point) and the invert.
security string The security of the asset from unauthorized access/tampering. E.g., Vulnerable, Secure.
shaftDepth float Depth of manhole shaft.
shaftDim float Dimension of manhole shaft.
shaftDim2 float Dimension of manhole shaft.
sideEntry boolean Indicates whether the manhole is a side-entry manhole or not.
siteManagedBy string Who the site is managed by. E.g., City, Military, Private.
soffitType string Soffit type. E.g., Reducing slab, Taper, Arch.
status string The current status of the manhole. E.g. Abandoned, Public, Private, etc.
stepMaterial string MACP Coding Standard field. Material of the step.
street string MACP Coding Standard field. Manhole location description.
systemType string System type. E.g., Sanitary Sewage, Surface, Combined, etc.
toxicAtmosphere boolean Indicates whether there are hazardous gases in the atmosphere or not.
yearLaid datetime Install date. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.
yearRenewed datetime The year the asset was last restored to its initial condition (replaced, relined). Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping.