Phase Selector

The Phase Selector option on the Tree view allows the current phase to be selected and viewed. The Phase Selector appears just below the Phase Management option on the Tree view. It provides a drop-down list containing the full set of phases, with the current phase shown as selected.

The phases are ordered by their type. On top of the list there are the Storm phases followed by the Sanitary phases. 

Current Phase

The current phase is important as it is this phase's data that will be shown and is editable.

This can be changed by clicking the drop-down list and then selecting the required phase. Once selected, the Tree View will be updated to show the contents of the phase below the Phase selector. The Plan view will also be updated to show the contents of the phase. If data forms are open, they will be closed ready to being fresh edits to the new current phase.

Right-clicking the Phase Selector will display a drop-down menu that provides a series of options:

Duplicate Phase

Selecting this option will create a duplicate of the selected phase and will make it current phase ready for editing.

Rename Phase

Selecting this option will enable the rename option on the phase selected, which allows a new name to be entered for the phase. Clicking the item, or pressing enter, will confirm the name change.

Delete Phase

Selecting this option will remove the phase from the design and will update the current phase shown on the Phase Selector if needed. This option will be enabled if you have two or more phases. It is not possible to delete the only phase in a design. 

Add Storm Phase

Selecting this option will create a new, empty, storm phase and will make it the current phase ready for editing.

Add Sanitary Phase

Selecting this option will create a new, empty, Sanitary phase and will make it the current phase ready for editing.

Switching Phase type 

It is possible to switch the type of the phase in Phase Selector. Right-clicking the current phase will display the option to Switch to Sanitary or Switch to Storm.

If the current phase is a Storm Phase, the Switch to Sanitary option will be displayed:

Some Storm Phase features will be modified during the conversion process

If the current phase is a Sanitary Phase, the Switch to Storm option will be displayed:

Some Sanitary phase features will be modified during the conversion process

Additional options

Save Layers to CAD

Allows the current phase layout, as shown on Plan, to be exported to a DXF/DWG file.

Save Plan to Image

Allows the current phase layout, as shown on Plan, to be saved to an image file (BMP/JPEG/PNG/EMF/GIF/TIFF).