A design will normally pass through different stages, or phases, from initial pre-development calculations through to the final design. Equally, a number of different scenarios may be considered during the design process as there can be multiple solutions to the same problem.
InfoDrainage allows the design to be broken up into a series of phases, or scenarios, with each containing its own independent data. These can then be analyzed independently (or together) to allow the comparison of phase results, which is useful in a number of situations such as:
When a new design is started, a single phase will be created and made current ready for a design to be started. This will be called Phase, however this can be renamed to suit your needs.
Phase are managed using the Tree view via the Phase Management, which provides options for adding, duplicating, deleting and renaming Phases as well as the ability to decide if they should be analyzed or not.
The current phase is displayed in the Phase Selector drop-down list, which also allows the current phase to be switched. When a phase is selected its data, and results, are then shown on the Tree view, Plan and any forms that are viewed.
In the Phase Selector the phases are separated by type. On top of the list there are all of the Storm phases followed by all of the Sanitary phases.