A database query set is a saved set of individual database queries. Because individual database queries are limited to one element type, the query set is useful for situations where you want to query for multiple element types at once.
To create a query set:
ID & Description
The query set ID and description are displayed here.
Tip 1: In InfoWater Pro, an ID is up to 32 characters long, no spaces, and no symbol characters such as #, % etc. (dash "-" and underscore "_" are OK).
Tip 2: Description is up to 60 characters with spaces, numbers, and symbol characters.
Tip 3: A good description always helps identify the Query Set.
Associated DB Queries & Colors
This box shows the current DB Queries assigned to the highlighted query set.
Delete - Use this button to remove a DB Query from the active query set. Select the DB Query you want to remove, and click Delete.
Color - Use this button to assign a new color to a DB Query in the active query set. Select the DB Query and click Color. Choose the color and click OK to associate the color with the DB Query.
Insert - Use this button to insert a DB Query into the active query set.
Association details
Color - Launch the color palette by clicking on the Color button. Select the color you want to associate with the DB Query and click OK.
DB Query - Select a previously created database query from the drop-down menu to assign to the query set. Once the desired DB Query is chosen, it is automatically associated with the Query Set.
Create DB Query - This launches the DB Query dialog box allowing you to create a new database query.