Database Query Set

A database query set is a saved set of individual database queries. Because individual database queries are limited to one element type, the query set is useful for situations where you want to query for multiple element types at once.

To create a query set:

  1. From the InfoWater Pro Browser  Operation tab highlight the Query Set folder and right click and select New.
  2. Provide a Query Set ID and a description for the new query set.
  3. When created, you are able to add or create the DB Queries that will comprise the Query Set. See Database Query for how to create these.

DB Query Set Dialog

ID & Description

The query set ID and description are displayed here.

Tip 1: In InfoWater Pro, an ID is up to 32 characters long, no spaces, and no symbol characters such as #, % etc. (dash "-" and underscore "_" are OK).

Tip 2: Description is up to 60 characters with spaces, numbers, and symbol characters.

Tip 3: A good description always helps identify the Query Set.

Associated DB Queries & Colors

This box shows the current DB Queries assigned to the highlighted query set.

Association details