Database Query

A query of a database allows you to extract a record (or records) of a data using logical statements on a field (or fields) stored within a specific database. With InfoWater Pro, you are able to select network components and related data by creating logical query statements through the user-friendly DB Query feature.

Using Queries in InfoWater Pro

DB Query is a time-saving tool that can be used for:

You may develop your own query statements or use one of the pre-defined InfoWater Pro special queries to select portions of your distribution system model.


To build a query statement, do the following:

DB Query Dialog Box

To create a Database Query, from the Operation tab of the InfoWater Pro Browser, select DB Query and right click and choose the New command.  

Query ID & Description - The query ID and description are displayed here.

    • Tip 1:  In InfoWater Pro an element ID is up to 32 characters long, no spaces and some symbols are restricted such as #, % etc. (dash "-" and underscore "_" characters are OK)

    • Tip 2:  Description is up to 60 characters with spaces and symbol characters.

    • Tip 3:  A good description always helps identify the DB Query.

Element Type - Select the InfoWater Pro data element for which a query statement is to be made on the elements database. Choose from among the following different elements.


Make sure to choose the right element type to create the query.

Disable Output Relates Lookup - Check this box to prevent output relates from being associated with a database query. 

Query Statement Tab - Shows the current query statement associated with the highlighted database query. In case you want to create a new query, click on the Query Builder button to open the Query Builder dialog box.

Output Relate Tab - Show the output relate.

Query Builder  - Click on the DB query icon to launch the Query Builder dialog box.