To add or modify water areas and rivers

Sketch water features such as river or water areas in a model or proposal.

Water areas are a Surface layer in the Model Explorer, and information about them appears on the Properties Palette. The number of water areas, as well as other information (such as total area) appears in the Water section of the Proposals Manager.

To add water areas and rivers

  1. Click Create glyph Environment, then expand the drop-down menu.

    Do either:

    • Click Sketch River to sketch a River (polyline).
    • Click Sketch Water to sketch a Water Area (polygon).
  2. Select a water style and click OK.

  3. Sketch the boundary on the terrain.

    Action Result Example
    Sketch Water Click points to create a boundary for the pond or lake. Double-click the last point to finish creating the region. The boundary is filled with the water style you selected. Sketch Water Region
    Sketch River Define a linear path for the river. Double-click the last point to finish creating the line. A linear water feature uses the water style you selected. A buffer surrounds the water on either side. Sketch River