To bring InfraWorks roundabouts into Autodesk Civil 3D

InfraWorks roundabouts are brought into Autodesk Civil 3D as a new type of roundabout object that was introduced in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 with the integration of Autodesk Vehicle Tracking's roundabout features. If you make modifications to your roundabouts and associated component roads in InfraWorks, Autodesk Civil 3D will rebuild the roundabouts to reflect the changes made in your InfraWorks data source.

Note: Roundabouts that you bring into or create in Autodesk Civil 3D cannot be sent back to InfraWorks.
  1. Create an InfraWorks model that includes at least two intersecting component roads forming a roundabout. See To convert an intersection to a roundabout for more information.
  2. Close InfraWorks.
  3. Open Autodesk Civil 3D.
  4. Bring your InfraWorks component roads and roundabout into Autodesk Civil 3D. You can connect to an IMX file that was exported from InfraWorks, or directly connect to the SQLITE file for an InfraWorks model. See To open InfraWorks model data in Autodesk Civil 3D. Note: If you refine your selection and/or area of interest when bringing an InfraWorks roundabout into Autodesk Civil 3D, make sure to also select the component roads that form the arms of the roundabout, or Autodesk Civil 3D may create a roundabout with less than four arms.
  5. Autodesk Civil 3D will create roundabout(s) objects, alignment(s), corridor(s) and corridor top surfaces from your InfraWorks roundabout and component roads.
  6. If you make modifications to a roundabout design in InfraWorks, you can re-import that roundabout(s) back into Autodesk Civil 3D without deleting existing corridors and roundabout objects that were created in Autodesk Civil 3D during a previous import. The roundabout is updated with any changes made in InfraWorks.
Note: Autodesk Civil 3D performs design checks on the imported roundabout and it is common that warning symbols are displayed in Autodesk Civil 3D after the import due to the results of the design check.