Use the publish civil structures command in Autodesk InfraWorks to send parametric bridges or tunnels to Autodesk Civil 3D.
See Civil Structures Workflows for more information.
Create an InfraWorks modelCreate an Infr...Open the InfraWorks modelOpen the InfraWo...Configure Object Exchange SettingsConfigure Obje...Work on your design in InfraWorksWork on your d...Work on your design in Civil 3DWork on your de...Autodesk Civil 3DAutodesk Civil 3DAutodesk InfraWorksAutodesk InfraWorksImport the Civil 3D drawingImport the Civ...Optionally, customize style rulesOptionally, cu...(optionally) Modify the Civil 3D drawing(optionally) M...Reimport the Civil 3D drawingReimport the C...Close InfraWorksClose Infra...Close Civil 3DClose Civil...Open InfraWorksOpen InfraWorksSave the Civil 3D drawingSave the Civil...Close Civil 3DClose Civil...Open Civil 3DOpen Civil 3DViewer does not support full SVG 1.1