To model vertical features from point cloud data

After processing point cloud data to extract features, assign vertical features.

With the Point Cloud Modeling tool, set the feature styles for trees, street lights, and signs, as well as unknown features. Then, review the features processed from the point cloud data, and assign features as objects in the model.

If you have an image CSV file associated with the point cloud data, consider using the Point Cloud Image Lookup tool to import the images and display another view of the features. The image will update according to the location of the selected vertical object.

  1. Click Manage glyph Point Clouds glyph Point Cloud Modeling (Point Cloud Modeling).

  2. In the Navigation Filter pane of the Point Cloud Modeling panel, modify the following options to filter the results, if desired:

    1. Click the Category drop-down to select the category of objects you'd like to work with.
    2. Specify the Minimum Height value. Objects shorter than this value will not be included in the list of available features.
    3. Specify the Maximum Height value. Objects with a height greater than this value will not be included in the list of available features.
  3. In the Assign a Feature pane, click Set Feature Style to open the Set Feature Style panel. You can set feature styles for each of the available types: tree, street light, sign, and unknown. You may want to set these as defaults and then change as necessary before assigning a specific feature. Click the style image to display the palette, and make your selection.

    Note: If you change the style of one feature, all features assigned to that style will be changed. For example, if you assign 3 features as trees set with the Alexandrae style, select one of those trees and change the style to a Large Shrub, then all of the Alexandrae trees become Large Shrubs. Another option is to assign all trees using the same style, and then individually change the style of selected features using the City Furniture Type property, Manual Style.
  4. In the Assign Features pane, use the arrow buttons to navigate to the features and identify each one or accept the machine-recognized feature, if correct. For each feature, do one of the following:

    1. If the feature is already recognized correctly, click the next arrow to move to the next feature.
    2. If it is unrecognized, click one of the icons to specify the feature as a tree, street light, sign, or unknown.
    3. Click Trash and select one of the following options:
    4. Delete selected feature: Deletes the feature currently selected in the model.
    5. Delete all filtered features: Deletes all features that meet the criteria specified in the Navigation Filter pane (Category, Minimum Height, and Maximum Height).
    6. If more than one feature is grouped together as a single asset, click Divide to divide the asset and to specify the number of features to create. For example, the process may have grouped 3 trees as a single feature that you would like to separate into 3 separate trees.