To export extracted features

Export features extracted from point cloud data for downstream design and analysis.

After you extract a terrain and features (vertical and linear) from point cloud data, you can export these features for use in other products, such as Autodesk Civil 3D. Vertical and linear features are extracted to a shapefile (SHP) format, and vertices data for transverse lines is extracted to a CSV file.

Note: Each Linear Feature line style is assigned a Feature Code. When exporting linear features, this code is used to set the line style in the target application, such as Autodesk Civil 3D. You can modify the Feature Code, if needed, by double-clicking the line style on the Linear Feature tab of the Style Palette.
  1. Click Manage glyph Point Clouds ![export point cloud extraction(../images/icon_export_point_cloud_extraction.png) (Export Point Cloud Extraction).

  2. In the Export Point Cloud Extraction dialog, specify the options for extraction:

    1. Ground Grid Points Only: Select to export the extracted terrain (only ground points are exported).
    2. Linear: Extracted linear features, such as lane lines, curb lines, and center lines.
    3. Transverse Vertices: Vertices for generated transverse lines created for extracted linear features.
    4. Vertical: Extracted vertical features, such as trees, street lights, and signs.
    5. Target CS: Select the coordinate system compatible with the target application for the exported data.
    Note: Only the features extracted from point cloud data are converted during export to use the target coordinate system. The exported ground (RCS file) will be exported in the original RCS coordinate system.
    1. Save Folder: Specify the folder location to save the data files.
  3. Click Start Export. The data is saved in the format and to the folder location specified.