To add a drainage network to a road

Use Add Drainage Network to add an initial drainage network layout to a selected component road. The roadway-based tool is located on the selected road's context menu.

Add Drainage Network adds an initial layout to a road, in one operation. It lays out as many structures of each kind (inlets, pipes, manholes, outfalls) as the analysis-driven design rules determine.

Note: To add drainage features one at a time, manually, use the Drainage Network tool.
Note: For more precise, localized results, use the Rainfall Content tool, Click Analyze glyph Drainage glyph rainfall content, in conjunction with the drainage network tools.

The structures added are from a default component part catalog or from a custom catalog, if there is one. (See About Authoring Infrastructure Content for information about creating and using a custom part catalog). The catalogs may be used in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D as well, helping to assure smoother data exchange between the two applications.

  1. Select a component road.
  2. Click Drainage glyph Add Drainage Network on the road's right-click context menu. Drainage Design analyses the conditions and calculates the initial layout. This action may take some time before the features appear in canvas.
  3. Modify this initial layout, as needed.
  1. When satisfied with the placement of the structures, run Size Drainage Network to complete the process of applying Drainage Design's analysis-driven design. Size Drainage Network fine-tunes the placement and sizing of structures to accommodate your changes to the initial design.

After running Size Drainage Network, you can run Inspect Performance to analyze the hydraulic performance of selected pipe-runs. You can also select an inlet to analyze inlet spacing (capture, spread, and bypass) and the overall efficiency rating of the selected inlet.

Viewing Your Drainage Network

Roadway drainage network features lie under the roadway surface. The simplest way to view them is to navigate beneath the roadway surface. Alternatively, replace a solid roadway surface with a transparent one. See To view drainage features below the roadway. You cannot select a drainage object through a transparent road surface.

Use Highlight Drainage Network to show the full extents of a network.