Drainage Network Workflow

General Workflow

Important points to keep in mind:

Detailed Workflow

After adding a pavement drainage network, you can modify the initial design components in whichever order you like. Then run Size Drainage Network.

Action Notes
Add Drainage Network From a road's context menu, the tool adds structures along the extent of the selected road. Note the tool adds structures only to road assemblies or styles with curbs. By contrast, the add drainage network (Drainage Network) tool add structures one or a few at a time, anywhere you place them. You can choose structures from the default component part catalog or from a custom catalog, using Infrastructure Content Authoring.
Move outfalls Select outfall in edit mode, use transform gizmos to change its position, rotation, height, and elevation.
Relocate inlets In-canvas.
Re-arrange pipe connections In-canvas.
Change pipe material In-canvas. Use component part catalog selection panel.
Size Drainage Network size drainage network resizes the structures connected to a single, selected network. Use highlight drainage network, Highlight Drainage Network. to see the extents of the network. Size Drainage Network, on the selected road's context menu, re-sizes structures connected to all networks along the road. This scope may be larger than you need to work with.
Analyze design Inlet Analysis: In-canvas: visually inspect inlet capture, spread, and bypass. Data re-calculates in real time, as you change location of inlets. On stack panel: see inlet efficiency rating (percent) and related data. Inspect Performance: in canvas, see hydraulic and energy grade-lines; detect surcharged pipes and flooded manholes. Adjust AEP setting prior to starting an analysis to model performance in different storm level conditions.
Delete and add a new a Drainage Network After Major Changes to a Road, Delete Previous Network, Add New One. If significant changes are made to a road with a drainage network, delete the existing drainage network rather than work with it. Add a new drainage network to the revised component road; run Size Drainage Network.