Delete or empty animation layers

To empty an animation layer

  1. Select the layer you want to empty.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the layer and select Empty from the pop-up menu.
    • Select Layers > Empty from the Animation Layer Editor menu bar.

    All attributes assigned to the layer are removed, and any associated animation curves are deleted. The layer remains in the stack.

  3. Note: You can't delete the Base Animation Layer as it is the default layer.

To delete selected animation layers

  1. Select the layer(s) you want to delete.

    If the selected layer(s) are parented to other layers, the child layers will also be deleted.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the layer(s) and select Delete Layer from the pop-up menu.
    • In the Animation Layer Editor select Layers > Delete.

    The layer(s) and all associated animation curves are deleted.

To delete empty layers

  1. Select Layers > Delete Empty Layers from the Animation Layer Editor menu bar.

To delete all keyframes from a selected animation layer

  1. Select the animation layer with keys you want to delete.
  2. In the Animation Layer Editor, select Layers > Select Objects from the menu bar.

    With all of the layer’s associated objects selected, you can view its keyframes in the Time Slider, Graph Editor, and Dope Sheet.

  3. Select and delete all of the keys. See Delete keys.