Duplicate pose shapes

When you're working with pose shapes for pose space deformations, you may need to duplicate a pose shape so that you can edit and update it separately from the base mesh. This is especially important if you want to bring the shapes into other applications, such as Autodesk Mudbox, for sculpting and fine-tuning. When you're done working on that duplicated pose shape, you can update the original pose shape with it.

To duplicate pose shapes

  1. In the Pose Editor, select one or more poses whose pose shapes you want to duplicate.
  2. Right-click a selected pose shape and choose Duplicate Pose Shape.

    The pose shapes are duplicated and placed directly below the original pose shapes using its name plus a "_Copy" suffix. You can rename each duplicate as you like.

To update pose shapes

  1. In the Pose Editor, select one or more poses whose pose shapes you want to update with edited versions.
  2. Right-click a selected pose shape and choose Update Pose Shape.
  3. Select the mesh that you want to use for updating the pose shape.

    The pose shape is updated with the selected mesh's shape.