The List Assembly Edits window lets you display edits made to assembly reference nodes and nodes contained by Scene representations. Using options in the Show menu, you can display edits made to all nodes in an assemblyReference node hierarchy, or only edits affecting a selected assemblyReference node.
You can also display edits that were not applied in the current scene, such as edits made to assemblyReference nodes and Scene representations prior to being added to the selected assembly reference hierarchy.
To access the List Assembly Edits window, select an assembly reference node in the Outliner, then -click in the Outliner or scene view, and select Scene Assembly > List Edits from the menu that appears. See List Scene Assembly edits.
Lists edits stored on the selected assemblyReference node. This includes edits made to nested assemblyReference nodes and their child nodes, if the edits were made in the current session. Edits saved in the source files of nested assemblyReference node or Scene representations are not listed. To list these edits with this option, you must select the nested assemblyReference nodes that store the edits.
Lists edits made to the immediate child nodes of the selected assemblyReference node stored on any level of the assembly hierarchy. This option ignores which assemblyReference node stores the edits and only lists changes that affect the children of the selected node. The following edits are not listed:
To list the edits made to the selected assemblyReference node with this option, select the assemblyReference's parent node.
List Edits Affecting Selection Contents is the default setting.
Lists edits that Maya is unable to apply to the selected assemblyReference node or nodes contained by a Scene representation. For example, a failed edit can occur if Maya attempts to apply an edit to a nested node of a Scene representation after its name is changed in the representation source file.
Failed edits display in red and in the order they occur.
Lists edits that cannot be applied to the active representation. For example, when edits are made to an active Scene representation, which is then switched to a Cache representation, the edits appear as unapplied since edits cannot be applied to Cache representations.
Unapplied edits display under the Unapplied Edits heading.
Lists edits that were stored on nested assemblyReference nodes.
Non-removable edits display in grey. Failed non-removable edits display in dark red.
These edits cannot be removed from the current scene. You must remove the edit from the file containing the source assemblyReference node or Scene representation.
Removes selected edits so they are no longer applied in the current scene. Non-removable edits cannot be removed using Remove Selected.