Merge Components Options

Use the following options to set what happens when you select Edit Mesh > Merge.

Note: The Merge Components options change depending on the current selection type.

Merge Edges Options

The following options are available when edges are selected.

Merge UVs

Merges the UVs shared by the edges. If turned off, the UVs are not merged and can be manipulated and edited independently. The default setting is on.

Tip: Turn this option off if you have a model that is mapped with different textures on either side of where the edges merge.

Any selected edges further apart than this distance will not be merged. Set this value carefully. If it’s too small, no edges will merge. If it’s too large, the operation may merge unwanted selected edges. The default is 0.01.

Threshold distance

Determines the threshold distance between edges in different coordinate systems.

World space

(Default) Specifies that the Threshold value is the distance between edges in world space.

Local space

Specifies that the Threshold value is the distance between edges in local space.

Merge Vertices Options

The following options are available when vertices are selected.


Any selected vertices further apart than this distance will not be merged. Set this value carefully. If it’s too small, no vertices will merge. If it’s too large, the operation may merge unwanted selected vertices. The default is 0.01.

Always merge two vertices

When two vertices are selected, they are merged regardless of the Threshold value.

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