
#include "AutoExtract.h"
// The single instance of this class will sit in the memory for the whole session, and watch for map extraction nodes.
// When it finds a map extraction node with a specific name, it will execute it, then exit mudbox.
AutoExtract g_cInstance;
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( AutoExtract, Node, "autoextract" );
AutoExtract::AutoExtract( void ) :
FileEvent( this )
// The FileEvent attribute of this node is connected to Mudbox's main FileEvent node.
// When anything happens involving files, this node will be notified, and the OnNodeEvent
// method will be called.
FileEvent.Connect( Kernel()->FileEvent );
void AutoExtract::OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &a, NodeEventType t )
// This method is called when any kind of event happens to any attribute of this node.
// So we need to check to make sure it is the right kind of event on the right
// attribute. We are interested in the "post-read" event, which is called after any kind of file
// is read into Mudbox. We look at the file name to be sure it is a scene (.mud) file, because
// this same event will be triggered when Mudbox reads image files, stamps, stencils, etc.
if ( t == etValueChanged && a == FileEvent && FileEvent.Value() )
if ( FileEvent->m_eType == FileEventNotifier::typePostRead && FileEvent->m_sFileName.right( 4 ) == NTRQ( ".mud" ) )
// We could go ahead here and do the extraction, but instead we are going to
// request a "deferred" event, just in case Mudbox is still in the middle of
// setting up the new scene. When you do this, the same event is sent back
// when Mudbox is idle, with "t" set to "etDeferred". This allows you to
// process the event when everything has settled down.
RequestDeferredEvent( FileEvent );
// If we have received the deferred event, it is time to extract the maps.
if ( t == etDeferred && a == FileEvent )
bool bHadExtraction = false;
// Look at all the nodes in the mudbox scene, and find the map extraction nodes.
// (An "operation" in the UI is stored as a Node in the scene.)
for ( Node *pNode = Node::First(); pNode; pNode = pNode->Next() )
if ( pNode->IsKindOf( MapExtractor::StaticClass() ) )
MapExtractor *pE = dynamic_cast<MapExtractor *>( pNode );
// Look for the string "autoextract" in the node's name, and disregard
// any nodes that do not contain it.
QString sName = pE->Name();
if ( sName.indexOf( "autoextract" ) != -1 )
// Execute the map extraction in silent mode, which means the UI will not be visible (but the progress bar will)
// and there will be no confirmation dialog boxes that could stop it from running.
pE->Execute( false );
bHadExtraction = true;
// If any extractions were done, quit mudbox.
if ( bHadExtraction )