QDragMoveEvent Class Reference

QDragMoveEvent Class Reference

#include <qevent.h>

Class Description

Definition at line 530 of file qevent.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for QDragMoveEvent:

Public Member Functions

 QDragMoveEvent (const QPoint &pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData *data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type=DragMove)
 ~QDragMoveEvent ()
QRect answerRect () const
void accept ()
void ignore ()
void accept (const QRect &r)
void ignore (const QRect &r)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QDropEvent
 QDropEvent (const QPoint &pos, Qt::DropActions actions, const QMimeData *data, Qt::MouseButtons buttons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Type type=Drop)
 ~QDropEvent ()
const QPointpos () const
Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons () const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers () const
Qt::DropActions possibleActions () const
Qt::DropAction proposedAction () const
void acceptProposedAction ()
Qt::DropAction dropAction () const
void setDropAction (Qt::DropAction action)
QWidgetsource () const
const QMimeDatamimeData () const
const char * format (int n=0) const
QByteArray encodedData (const char *) const
bool provides (const char *) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
 QEvent (Type type)
virtual ~QEvent ()
Type type () const
bool spontaneous () const
void setAccepted (bool accepted)
bool isAccepted () const
void accept ()
void ignore ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QMimeSource
virtual ~QMimeSource ()

Protected Attributes

QRect rect
- Protected Attributes inherited from QDropEvent
QPoint p
Qt::MouseButtons mouseState
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modState
Qt::DropActions act
Qt::DropAction drop_action
Qt::DropAction default_action
const QMimeDatamdata
QList< QByteArrayfmts
- Protected Attributes inherited from QEvent
QEventPrivate * d
ushort t


class QApplication

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QEvent
enum  Type {
  None = 0, Timer = 1, MouseButtonPress = 2, MouseButtonRelease = 3,
  MouseButtonDblClick = 4, MouseMove = 5, KeyPress = 6, KeyRelease = 7,
  FocusIn = 8, FocusOut = 9, Enter = 10, Leave = 11,
  Paint = 12, Move = 13, Resize = 14, Create = 15,
  Destroy = 16, Show = 17, Hide = 18, Close = 19,
  Quit = 20, ParentChange = 21, ParentAboutToChange = 131, ThreadChange = 22,
  WindowActivate = 24, WindowDeactivate = 25, ShowToParent = 26, HideToParent = 27,
  Wheel = 31, WindowTitleChange = 33, WindowIconChange = 34, ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35,
  ApplicationFontChange = 36, ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37, ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, PaletteChange = 39,
  Clipboard = 40, Speech = 42, MetaCall = 43, SockAct = 50,
  WinEventAct = 132, DeferredDelete = 52, DragEnter = 60, DragMove = 61,
  DragLeave = 62, Drop = 63, DragResponse = 64, ChildAdded = 68,
  ChildPolished = 69, ChildRemoved = 71, ShowWindowRequest = 73, PolishRequest = 74,
  Polish = 75, LayoutRequest = 76, UpdateRequest = 77, UpdateLater = 78,
  EmbeddingControl = 79, ActivateControl = 80, DeactivateControl = 81, ContextMenu = 82,
  InputMethod = 83, AccessibilityPrepare = 86, TabletMove = 87, LocaleChange = 88,
  LanguageChange = 89, LayoutDirectionChange = 90, Style = 91, TabletPress = 92,
  TabletRelease = 93, OkRequest = 94, HelpRequest = 95, IconDrag = 96,
  FontChange = 97, EnabledChange = 98, ActivationChange = 99, StyleChange = 100,
  IconTextChange = 101, ModifiedChange = 102, MouseTrackingChange = 109, WindowBlocked = 103,
  WindowUnblocked = 104, WindowStateChange = 105, ToolTip = 110, WhatsThis = 111,
  StatusTip = 112, ActionChanged = 113, ActionAdded = 114, ActionRemoved = 115,
  FileOpen = 116, Shortcut = 117, ShortcutOverride = 51, WhatsThisClicked = 118,
  ToolBarChange = 120, ApplicationActivate = 121, ApplicationActivated = ApplicationActivate, ApplicationDeactivate = 122,
  ApplicationDeactivated = ApplicationDeactivate, QueryWhatsThis = 123, EnterWhatsThisMode = 124, LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125,
  ZOrderChange = 126, HoverEnter = 127, HoverLeave = 128, HoverMove = 129,
  AccessibilityHelp = 119, AccessibilityDescription = 130, AcceptDropsChange = 152, MenubarUpdated = 153,
  ZeroTimerEvent = 154, GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155, GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156, GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157,
  GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158, GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159, GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160, GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161,
  GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162, GraphicsSceneHelp = 163, GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164, GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165,
  GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166, GraphicsSceneDrop = 167, GraphicsSceneWheel = 168, KeyboardLayoutChange = 169,
  DynamicPropertyChange = 170, TabletEnterProximity = 171, TabletLeaveProximity = 172, NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173,
  NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174, NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175, NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176, MacSizeChange = 177,
  ContentsRectChange = 178, MacGLWindowChange = 179, FutureCallOut = 180, GraphicsSceneResize = 181,
  GraphicsSceneMove = 182, CursorChange = 183, ToolTipChange = 184, NetworkReplyUpdated = 185,
  GrabMouse = 186, UngrabMouse = 187, GrabKeyboard = 188, UngrabKeyboard = 189,
  MacGLClearDrawable = 191, StateMachineSignal = 192, StateMachineWrapped = 193, TouchBegin = 194,
  TouchUpdate = 195, TouchEnd = 196, NativeGesture = 197, RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199,
  CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200, UpdateSoftKeys = 201, WinIdChange = 203, Gesture = 198,
  GestureOverride = 202, PlatformPanel = 212, User = 1000, MaxUser = 65535
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
static int registerEventType (int hint=-1)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QDragMoveEvent ( const QPoint pos,
Qt::DropActions  actions,
const QMimeData data,
Qt::MouseButtons  buttons,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
Type  type = DragMove 

Member Function Documentation

QRect answerRect ( ) const

Definition at line 537 of file qevent.h.

537 { return rect; }
QRect rect
Definition: qevent.h:551
void accept ( )

Definition at line 539 of file qevent.h.

539 { QDropEvent::accept(); }
void accept()
Definition: qcoreevent.h:309
void ignore ( )

Definition at line 540 of file qevent.h.

540 { QDropEvent::ignore(); }
void ignore()
Definition: qcoreevent.h:310
void accept ( const QRect r)

Definition at line 542 of file qevent.h.

542 { accept(); rect = r; }
void accept()
Definition: qevent.h:539
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: GLee.h:1189
QRect rect
Definition: qevent.h:551
void ignore ( const QRect r)

Definition at line 543 of file qevent.h.

543 { ignore(); rect = r; }
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble r
Definition: GLee.h:1189
QRect rect
Definition: qevent.h:551
void ignore()
Definition: qevent.h:540

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class QApplication

Definition at line 550 of file qevent.h.

Member Data Documentation

QRect rect

Definition at line 551 of file qevent.h.

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