QKeyEvent Class Reference

#include <qevent.h>

Class Description

Definition at line 224 of file qevent.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for QKeyEvent:

Public Member Functions

 QKeyEvent (Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
 ~QKeyEvent ()
int key () const
bool matches (QKeySequence::StandardKey key) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers () const
QString text () const
bool isAutoRepeat () const
int count () const
bool hasExtendedInfo () const
quint32 nativeScanCode () const
quint32 nativeVirtualKey () const
quint32 nativeModifiers () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QInputEvent
 QInputEvent (Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
 ~QInputEvent ()
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers () const
void setModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers amodifiers)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
 QEvent (Type type)
virtual ~QEvent ()
Type type () const
bool spontaneous () const
void setAccepted (bool accepted)
bool isAccepted () const
void accept ()
void ignore ()

Static Public Member Functions

static QKeyEventcreateExtendedKeyEvent (Type type, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, quint32 nativeScanCode, quint32 nativeVirtualKey, quint32 nativeModifiers, const QString &text=QString(), bool autorep=false, ushort count=1)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
static int registerEventType (int hint=-1)

Protected Attributes

QString txt
int k
ushort c
uint autor:1
- Protected Attributes inherited from QInputEvent
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modState
- Protected Attributes inherited from QEvent
QEventPrivate * d
ushort t

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QEvent
enum  Type {
  None = 0, Timer = 1, MouseButtonPress = 2, MouseButtonRelease = 3,
  MouseButtonDblClick = 4, MouseMove = 5, KeyPress = 6, KeyRelease = 7,
  FocusIn = 8, FocusOut = 9, Enter = 10, Leave = 11,
  Paint = 12, Move = 13, Resize = 14, Create = 15,
  Destroy = 16, Show = 17, Hide = 18, Close = 19,
  Quit = 20, ParentChange = 21, ParentAboutToChange = 131, ThreadChange = 22,
  WindowActivate = 24, WindowDeactivate = 25, ShowToParent = 26, HideToParent = 27,
  Wheel = 31, WindowTitleChange = 33, WindowIconChange = 34, ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35,
  ApplicationFontChange = 36, ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37, ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, PaletteChange = 39,
  Clipboard = 40, Speech = 42, MetaCall = 43, SockAct = 50,
  WinEventAct = 132, DeferredDelete = 52, DragEnter = 60, DragMove = 61,
  DragLeave = 62, Drop = 63, DragResponse = 64, ChildAdded = 68,
  ChildPolished = 69, ChildRemoved = 71, ShowWindowRequest = 73, PolishRequest = 74,
  Polish = 75, LayoutRequest = 76, UpdateRequest = 77, UpdateLater = 78,
  EmbeddingControl = 79, ActivateControl = 80, DeactivateControl = 81, ContextMenu = 82,
  InputMethod = 83, AccessibilityPrepare = 86, TabletMove = 87, LocaleChange = 88,
  LanguageChange = 89, LayoutDirectionChange = 90, Style = 91, TabletPress = 92,
  TabletRelease = 93, OkRequest = 94, HelpRequest = 95, IconDrag = 96,
  FontChange = 97, EnabledChange = 98, ActivationChange = 99, StyleChange = 100,
  IconTextChange = 101, ModifiedChange = 102, MouseTrackingChange = 109, WindowBlocked = 103,
  WindowUnblocked = 104, WindowStateChange = 105, ToolTip = 110, WhatsThis = 111,
  StatusTip = 112, ActionChanged = 113, ActionAdded = 114, ActionRemoved = 115,
  FileOpen = 116, Shortcut = 117, ShortcutOverride = 51, WhatsThisClicked = 118,
  ToolBarChange = 120, ApplicationActivate = 121, ApplicationActivated = ApplicationActivate, ApplicationDeactivate = 122,
  ApplicationDeactivated = ApplicationDeactivate, QueryWhatsThis = 123, EnterWhatsThisMode = 124, LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125,
  ZOrderChange = 126, HoverEnter = 127, HoverLeave = 128, HoverMove = 129,
  AccessibilityHelp = 119, AccessibilityDescription = 130, AcceptDropsChange = 152, MenubarUpdated = 153,
  ZeroTimerEvent = 154, GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155, GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156, GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157,
  GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158, GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159, GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160, GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161,
  GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162, GraphicsSceneHelp = 163, GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164, GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165,
  GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166, GraphicsSceneDrop = 167, GraphicsSceneWheel = 168, KeyboardLayoutChange = 169,
  DynamicPropertyChange = 170, TabletEnterProximity = 171, TabletLeaveProximity = 172, NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173,
  NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174, NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175, NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176, MacSizeChange = 177,
  ContentsRectChange = 178, MacGLWindowChange = 179, FutureCallOut = 180, GraphicsSceneResize = 181,
  GraphicsSceneMove = 182, CursorChange = 183, ToolTipChange = 184, NetworkReplyUpdated = 185,
  GrabMouse = 186, UngrabMouse = 187, GrabKeyboard = 188, UngrabKeyboard = 189,
  MacGLClearDrawable = 191, StateMachineSignal = 192, StateMachineWrapped = 193, TouchBegin = 194,
  TouchUpdate = 195, TouchEnd = 196, NativeGesture = 197, RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199,
  CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200, UpdateSoftKeys = 201, WinIdChange = 203, Gesture = 198,
  GestureOverride = 202, PlatformPanel = 212, User = 1000, MaxUser = 65535

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QKeyEvent ( Type  type,
int  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
const QString text = QString(),
bool  autorep = false,
ushort  count = 1 
~QKeyEvent ( )

Member Function Documentation

int key ( ) const

Definition at line 231 of file qevent.h.

231 { return k; }
int k
Definition: qevent.h:269
bool matches ( QKeySequence::StandardKey  key) const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers ( ) const
QString text ( ) const

Definition at line 236 of file qevent.h.

236 { return txt; }
QString txt
Definition: qevent.h:268
bool isAutoRepeat ( ) const

Definition at line 237 of file qevent.h.

237 { return autor; }
uint autor
Definition: qevent.h:271
int count ( ) const

Definition at line 238 of file qevent.h.

238 { return int(c); }
unsigned int(APIENTRYP PFNGLXGETAGPOFFSETMESAPROC)(const void *pointer)
Definition: GLee.h:10762
const GLubyte * c
Definition: GLee.h:5419
static QKeyEvent* createExtendedKeyEvent ( Type  type,
int  key,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  modifiers,
quint32  nativeScanCode,
quint32  nativeVirtualKey,
quint32  nativeModifiers,
const QString text = QString(),
bool  autorep = false,
ushort  count = 1 
bool hasExtendedInfo ( ) const

Definition at line 246 of file qevent.h.

246 { return reinterpret_cast<const QKeyEvent*>(d) == this; }
QEventPrivate * d
Definition: qcoreevent.h:315
quint32 nativeScanCode ( ) const
quint32 nativeVirtualKey ( ) const
quint32 nativeModifiers ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

QString txt

Definition at line 268 of file qevent.h.

int k

Definition at line 269 of file qevent.h.

ushort c

Definition at line 270 of file qevent.h.

uint autor

Definition at line 271 of file qevent.h.

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