QTabletEvent Class Reference

QTabletEvent Class Reference

#include <qevent.h>

Class Description

Definition at line 179 of file qevent.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for QTabletEvent:

Public Types

enum  TabletDevice {
  NoDevice, Puck, Stylus, Airbrush,
  FourDMouse, XFreeEraser, RotationStylus
enum  PointerType { UnknownPointer, Pen, Cursor, Eraser }
- Public Types inherited from QEvent
enum  Type {
  None = 0, Timer = 1, MouseButtonPress = 2, MouseButtonRelease = 3,
  MouseButtonDblClick = 4, MouseMove = 5, KeyPress = 6, KeyRelease = 7,
  FocusIn = 8, FocusOut = 9, Enter = 10, Leave = 11,
  Paint = 12, Move = 13, Resize = 14, Create = 15,
  Destroy = 16, Show = 17, Hide = 18, Close = 19,
  Quit = 20, ParentChange = 21, ParentAboutToChange = 131, ThreadChange = 22,
  WindowActivate = 24, WindowDeactivate = 25, ShowToParent = 26, HideToParent = 27,
  Wheel = 31, WindowTitleChange = 33, WindowIconChange = 34, ApplicationWindowIconChange = 35,
  ApplicationFontChange = 36, ApplicationLayoutDirectionChange = 37, ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, PaletteChange = 39,
  Clipboard = 40, Speech = 42, MetaCall = 43, SockAct = 50,
  WinEventAct = 132, DeferredDelete = 52, DragEnter = 60, DragMove = 61,
  DragLeave = 62, Drop = 63, DragResponse = 64, ChildAdded = 68,
  ChildPolished = 69, ChildRemoved = 71, ShowWindowRequest = 73, PolishRequest = 74,
  Polish = 75, LayoutRequest = 76, UpdateRequest = 77, UpdateLater = 78,
  EmbeddingControl = 79, ActivateControl = 80, DeactivateControl = 81, ContextMenu = 82,
  InputMethod = 83, AccessibilityPrepare = 86, TabletMove = 87, LocaleChange = 88,
  LanguageChange = 89, LayoutDirectionChange = 90, Style = 91, TabletPress = 92,
  TabletRelease = 93, OkRequest = 94, HelpRequest = 95, IconDrag = 96,
  FontChange = 97, EnabledChange = 98, ActivationChange = 99, StyleChange = 100,
  IconTextChange = 101, ModifiedChange = 102, MouseTrackingChange = 109, WindowBlocked = 103,
  WindowUnblocked = 104, WindowStateChange = 105, ToolTip = 110, WhatsThis = 111,
  StatusTip = 112, ActionChanged = 113, ActionAdded = 114, ActionRemoved = 115,
  FileOpen = 116, Shortcut = 117, ShortcutOverride = 51, WhatsThisClicked = 118,
  ToolBarChange = 120, ApplicationActivate = 121, ApplicationActivated = ApplicationActivate, ApplicationDeactivate = 122,
  ApplicationDeactivated = ApplicationDeactivate, QueryWhatsThis = 123, EnterWhatsThisMode = 124, LeaveWhatsThisMode = 125,
  ZOrderChange = 126, HoverEnter = 127, HoverLeave = 128, HoverMove = 129,
  AccessibilityHelp = 119, AccessibilityDescription = 130, AcceptDropsChange = 152, MenubarUpdated = 153,
  ZeroTimerEvent = 154, GraphicsSceneMouseMove = 155, GraphicsSceneMousePress = 156, GraphicsSceneMouseRelease = 157,
  GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick = 158, GraphicsSceneContextMenu = 159, GraphicsSceneHoverEnter = 160, GraphicsSceneHoverMove = 161,
  GraphicsSceneHoverLeave = 162, GraphicsSceneHelp = 163, GraphicsSceneDragEnter = 164, GraphicsSceneDragMove = 165,
  GraphicsSceneDragLeave = 166, GraphicsSceneDrop = 167, GraphicsSceneWheel = 168, KeyboardLayoutChange = 169,
  DynamicPropertyChange = 170, TabletEnterProximity = 171, TabletLeaveProximity = 172, NonClientAreaMouseMove = 173,
  NonClientAreaMouseButtonPress = 174, NonClientAreaMouseButtonRelease = 175, NonClientAreaMouseButtonDblClick = 176, MacSizeChange = 177,
  ContentsRectChange = 178, MacGLWindowChange = 179, FutureCallOut = 180, GraphicsSceneResize = 181,
  GraphicsSceneMove = 182, CursorChange = 183, ToolTipChange = 184, NetworkReplyUpdated = 185,
  GrabMouse = 186, UngrabMouse = 187, GrabKeyboard = 188, UngrabKeyboard = 189,
  MacGLClearDrawable = 191, StateMachineSignal = 192, StateMachineWrapped = 193, TouchBegin = 194,
  TouchUpdate = 195, TouchEnd = 196, NativeGesture = 197, RequestSoftwareInputPanel = 199,
  CloseSoftwareInputPanel = 200, UpdateSoftKeys = 201, WinIdChange = 203, Gesture = 198,
  GestureOverride = 202, PlatformPanel = 212, User = 1000, MaxUser = 65535

Public Member Functions

 QTabletEvent (Type t, const QPoint &pos, const QPoint &globalPos, const QPointF &hiResGlobalPos, int device, int pointerType, qreal pressure, int xTilt, int yTilt, qreal tangentialPressure, qreal rotation, int z, Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyState, qint64 uniqueID)
 ~QTabletEvent ()
const QPointpos () const
const QPointglobalPos () const
const QPointFhiResGlobalPos () const
int x () const
int y () const
int globalX () const
int globalY () const
qreal hiResGlobalX () const
qreal hiResGlobalY () const
TabletDevice device () const
PointerType pointerType () const
qint64 uniqueId () const
qreal pressure () const
int z () const
qreal tangentialPressure () const
qreal rotation () const
int xTilt () const
int yTilt () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QInputEvent
 QInputEvent (Type type, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
 ~QInputEvent ()
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers () const
void setModifiers (Qt::KeyboardModifiers amodifiers)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
 QEvent (Type type)
virtual ~QEvent ()
Type type () const
bool spontaneous () const
void setAccepted (bool accepted)
bool isAccepted () const
void accept ()
void ignore ()

Protected Attributes

QPoint mPos
QPoint mGPos
QPointF mHiResGlobalPos
int mDev
int mPointerType
int mXT
int mYT
int mZ
qreal mPress
qreal mTangential
qreal mRot
qint64 mUnique
- Protected Attributes inherited from QInputEvent
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modState
- Protected Attributes inherited from QEvent
QEventPrivate * d
ushort t

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QEvent
static int registerEventType (int hint=-1)

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 182 of file qevent.h.


Definition at line 184 of file qevent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QTabletEvent ( Type  t,
const QPoint pos,
const QPoint globalPos,
const QPointF hiResGlobalPos,
int  device,
int  pointerType,
qreal  pressure,
int  xTilt,
int  yTilt,
qreal  tangentialPressure,
qreal  rotation,
int  z,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  keyState,
qint64  uniqueID 

Member Function Documentation

const QPoint& pos ( ) const

Definition at line 191 of file qevent.h.

191 { return mPos; }
QPoint mPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
const QPoint& globalPos ( ) const

Definition at line 192 of file qevent.h.

192 { return mGPos; }
QPoint mGPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
const QPointF& hiResGlobalPos ( ) const

Definition at line 193 of file qevent.h.

193 { return mHiResGlobalPos; }
QPointF mHiResGlobalPos
Definition: qevent.h:212
int x ( ) const

Definition at line 194 of file qevent.h.

194 { return mPos.x(); }
QPoint mPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
int x() const
Definition: qpoint.h:128
int y ( ) const

Definition at line 195 of file qevent.h.

195 { return mPos.y(); }
QPoint mPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
int y() const
Definition: qpoint.h:131
int globalX ( ) const

Definition at line 196 of file qevent.h.

196 { return mGPos.x(); }
QPoint mGPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
int x() const
Definition: qpoint.h:128
int globalY ( ) const

Definition at line 197 of file qevent.h.

197 { return mGPos.y(); }
QPoint mGPos
Definition: qevent.h:211
int y() const
Definition: qpoint.h:131
qreal hiResGlobalX ( ) const

Definition at line 198 of file qevent.h.

198 { return mHiResGlobalPos.x(); }
QPointF mHiResGlobalPos
Definition: qevent.h:212
qreal x() const
Definition: qpoint.h:282
qreal hiResGlobalY ( ) const

Definition at line 199 of file qevent.h.

199 { return mHiResGlobalPos.y(); }
QPointF mHiResGlobalPos
Definition: qevent.h:212
qreal y() const
Definition: qpoint.h:287
TabletDevice device ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file qevent.h.

200 { return TabletDevice(mDev); }
int mDev
Definition: qevent.h:213
PointerType pointerType ( ) const

Definition at line 201 of file qevent.h.

201 { return PointerType(mPointerType); }
int mPointerType
Definition: qevent.h:213
qint64 uniqueId ( ) const

Definition at line 202 of file qevent.h.

202 { return mUnique; }
qint64 mUnique
Definition: qevent.h:215
qreal pressure ( ) const

Definition at line 203 of file qevent.h.

203 { return mPress; }
qreal mPress
Definition: qevent.h:214
int z ( ) const

Definition at line 204 of file qevent.h.

204 { return mZ; }
qreal tangentialPressure ( ) const

Definition at line 205 of file qevent.h.

205 { return mTangential; }
qreal mTangential
Definition: qevent.h:214
qreal rotation ( ) const

Definition at line 206 of file qevent.h.

206 { return mRot; }
qreal mRot
Definition: qevent.h:214
int xTilt ( ) const

Definition at line 207 of file qevent.h.

207 { return mXT; }
int yTilt ( ) const

Definition at line 208 of file qevent.h.

208 { return mYT; }

Member Data Documentation

QPoint mPos

Definition at line 211 of file qevent.h.

QPoint mGPos

Definition at line 211 of file qevent.h.

QPointF mHiResGlobalPos

Definition at line 212 of file qevent.h.

int mDev

Definition at line 213 of file qevent.h.

int mPointerType

Definition at line 213 of file qevent.h.

int mXT

Definition at line 213 of file qevent.h.

int mYT

Definition at line 213 of file qevent.h.

int mZ

Definition at line 213 of file qevent.h.

qreal mPress

Definition at line 214 of file qevent.h.

qreal mTangential

Definition at line 214 of file qevent.h.

qreal mRot

Definition at line 214 of file qevent.h.

qint64 mUnique

Definition at line 215 of file qevent.h.

void* mExtra

Definition at line 220 of file qevent.h.

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