VertexEnumerator Class Reference

VertexEnumerator Class Reference

#include <mesh.h>

Class Description

A base class for operations that must be applied across mesh vertices.

To use this class, derive your new class from it. Override the Operator() method to perform the operation you need done to the mesh vertex. You must also override the Tester() method to test vertices to see if they should be included in the operation.

To use your class, call Mesh::EnumerateVertices, specify a starting face and vertex, and pass in your enumerator class. Starting with the specified vertex, your operation will be applied to adjacent vertices. If your Tester method returns false for a given vertex, then that vertex will not be processed, nor will the operation be propagated to its neighbors.

Definition at line 257 of file mesh.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Operator (class Mesh *pMesh, unsigned int iVertexIndex, unsigned int iFaceIndex)
virtual bool Tester (class Mesh *pMesh, unsigned int iVertexIndex, unsigned int iFaceIndex)

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Operator ( class Mesh pMesh,
unsigned int  iVertexIndex,
unsigned int  iFaceIndex 
[in]pMeshpointer to the mesh being processed
[in]iVertexIndexindex of the vertex being processed
[in]iFaceIndexindex of a face associated with the vertex being processed (chosen at random)
virtual bool Tester ( class Mesh pMesh,
unsigned int  iVertexIndex,
unsigned int  iFaceIndex 
[in]pMeshpointer to the mesh being processed
[in]iVertexIndexindex of the vertex being processed
[in]iFaceIndexindex of a face associated with the vertex being processed (chosen at random)

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