Mudbox/math.h File Reference

math.h File Reference
#include <xmmintrin.h>


class  Vector
 Represents a 3D vector or point with S23E8 floating point elements. More...
class  DblVector
 Represents a 3D vector or point with S56E11 floating point elements. More...
class  Vector4
 A four dimensionsional vector (X, Y, Z, and W) More...
class  Color
 Represents a color with four components: red, green, blue, alpha. More...
class  AxisAlignedBoundingBox
 Represents a bounding box whose axes are aligned with the coordinate system. More...
class  Base
 Represents a local coordinate basis comprising three axes that define a coordinate system. More...
class  SubSpace
 This class will be removed from the SDK. More...
class  Matrix
 This class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
class  Quaternion
 The Quaternion class is used to represent rotations in most cases. More...
class  DualQuaternion
 The DualQuaternion class is used to represent rigid transformations in most cases. More...
class  Line
 Represents a line segment in 3d space. More...
class  Selector
 This base class represents any shape in 3d space. More...
class  CheckableFloat
 A container class that holds a boolean and a float value. More...
class  AttributeCheckableFloat
struct  CheckableFloatArray
class  AttributeCheckableFloatArray


 Class: ConvolutionKernel.


typedef AttributeInstance< Vector > avector
typedef AttributeInstance< Vector4 > avector4
typedef AttributeInstance< Color > acolor
typedef AttributeInstance< Matrix > amatrix
 This attribute class represents a 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
typedef AttributeCheckableFloat acheckablefloat


MBDLL_DECL Vector operator* (float f, const Vector &v) throw ()
 Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector. More...
MBDLL_DECL Vector operator* (int i, const Vector &v) throw ()
 Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector. More...
MBDLL_DECL DblVector operator* (double f, const DblVector &v) throw ()
 Multiplies a float scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector. More...
MBDLL_DECL DblVector operator* (int i, const DblVector &v) throw ()
 Multiplies an integer scalar value by a vector, the result is a vector. More...
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget * CreateNewVectorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, avector *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget * CreateNewVector4Widget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, avector4 *pAttribute)
Color operator* (float f, const Color &c)
 Multiplies a scalar float value by a Color. More...
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget * CreateNewColorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, acolor *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL Vector operator* (const Vector &v, const Matrix &m)
MBDLL_DECL Vector operator* (const Matrix &m, const Vector &v)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget * CreateNewCheckableFloatWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, AttributeCheckableFloat *pAttribute)
MBDLL_DECL AttributeWidget * CreateNewCheckableFloatArrayWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth, class AttributeCheckableFloatArray *pAttribute)
static bool FloatEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
 compares floats for equality with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision. More...
static bool FloatGreaterOrEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
 compares floats for >= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision. More...
static bool FloatLessOrEqual (float A, float B, const int max_ulps=4)
 compares floats for <= with a tolerance expressed in Units of Least Precision. More...

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