mapextraction Namespace Reference

mapextraction Namespace Reference


class  AmbientOcclusionSampler
 This class represents the ambient occlusion sampler. More...
class  DisplacementSampler
 This class represents the displacement sampler. More...
class  Extractor
 This class represents the central module of the extraction. More...
class  NormalSampler
 This class represents the normal vector sampler. More...
class  PaintLayerSampler
 This class represents the paint layer sampler. This sampler simply samples a paint layer over the source surface. More...
class  Sampler
 This class represents a sampler in map extraction, like Displacement, Ambient occlusion, etc... More...
class  SculptLayerSampler
 This class represents the sculpt layer sampler. This sampler samples a sculpt layer at the given point on the source mesh. More...
class  VectorDisplacementSampler
 This sampler represents the vector displacement sampler. More...


enum  UtilizerType { utilTexture, utilPtex, utilVertex, utilUnknown }
 This is the type of the final result for map extaction. This controls where the reference points are located on the target mesh. More...
enum  LocateMethod { locRaycast, locSubdivision, locCustom, locUnknown }
 This is the method Mudbox uses to pair sourface points on the target mesh to surface points on the source mesh. More...
enum  Space {
  spaceWorld, spaceObject, spaceTangent, spaceRawTangent,
  spaceNormal, spaceUnknown
 Coordinate space used in varoius places during extraction. More...
enum  VertexAction {
  vaVertexColor, vaMove, vaDisplace, vaFreeze,
  vaSculptLayer, vaSculptLayerMask, vaUnknown
 This is the action which happens with each vertex after extraction. This is only valid if the utilizer type is set to vertex. More...
enum  Antialiasing {
  aaOff, aa2X, aa4X, aa6X,
  aa8X, aaUnknown
 Type of the antialiasing applied to extracted textures. This is only valid if utilizer type is set to texture. More...
enum  Sampling { sampleFurthestOutside, sampleFurthestInside, sampleClosesToTarget, sampleUnknown }
 How the intersection point is chosen when there are multiple candidates. This is only valid if locate method is set to raycast. More...
enum  Quality {
  qualFastest, qualFast, qualNormal, qualGood,
  qualBest, qualUnknown
 Quality of ambient occlusion extraction. More...
enum  Resolution {
  res256, res512, res1024, res2048,
  res4096, resUnknown
 Resolution of a texture map. This is always square. More...
enum  Compatibility { compMaya, compMax, compUnknown }
 Compatibility of the extracted normal map. More...


MEADLL class Extractor CreateNewOperation (void)
 Creates a new extractor node. More...
MEADLL int OperationCount (void)
 Returns the number of extractor nodes in the scene. More...
MEADLL class Extractor OperationByIndex (int iIndex)
 Returns a given existing extractor node. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

This is the type of the final result for map extaction. This controls where the reference points are located on the target mesh.


Traditional textures, which are saved as plain image files (jpg, png, etc..), one for each tile. Target mesh needs texture coordinates.


Extracting to a ptex file.


Extracting data to vertices of the target mesh.

In this case the result is not a file, but some kind of operation on the target mesh, based on the result of the extraction. This is not exposed on the UI currently, but can be used programmatically.

Definition at line 28 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

29  {
30  utilTexture,
31  utilPtex,
32  utilVertex,
35  };
Extracting data to vertices of the target mesh.
Traditional textures, which are saved as plain image files (jpg, png, etc..), one for each tile...
Extracting to a ptex file.

This is the method Mudbox uses to pair sourface points on the target mesh to surface points on the source mesh.


With this method, mudbox fires a ray which crosses the target mesh in the desired point, and the direction is the same as the opposite of the.

surface normal. Mudbox then finds the intersection of this ray, and the source mesh.


This method can only be used, if the target mesh and the source mesh are subdivision levels of the same object (or they have the.

matching topology). Mudbox calculates the point pairs based on this subdivision relationship.


This method can only be used, when there is a precalculated relationship between the source and target mesh.

This is the case for example, after retopology, the new mesh can be used as target, the old mesh can be used as source.

Definition at line 38 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

39  {
40  locRaycast,
43  locCustom,
47  };
This method can only be used, when there is a precalculated relationship between the source and targe...
With this method, mudbox fires a ray which crosses the target mesh in the desired point...
This method can only be used, if the target mesh and the source mesh are subdivision levels of the sa...
enum Space

Coordinate space used in varoius places during extraction.


World space (or global space).


Object space, which is always related to some mesh in the scene.


This is a special space, which is changing over the mesh, so it also depends on a location.

For more details, look for various tangent space documentation on the internet, like: Lengyel, Eric. Computing Tangent Space Basis Vectors for an Arbitrary Mesh. Terathon Software 3D Graphics Library, 2001.


Same as above, but the tangent and bitangent remains unnormalized and their direction is not aligned to the surface normal.

The length of the surface normal is changed to the geometric average of the length of the tangent and bitangent vectors.


This is a special space used in displacement map extraction. Used only internally.

+ Examples:

Definition at line 50 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

51  {
52  spaceWorld,
53  spaceObject,
54  spaceTangent,
58  spaceNormal,
61  };
Object space, which is always related to some mesh in the scene.
This is a special space, which is changing over the mesh, so it also depends on a location...
This is a special space used in displacement map extraction. Used only internally.
World space (or global space).
Same as above, but the tangent and bitangent remains unnormalized and their direction is not aligned ...

This is the action which happens with each vertex after extraction. This is only valid if the utilizer type is set to vertex.


Each vertex gets a new vertex color asigned, based on the calculated data.


The vertex position is modified based on the extracted data (the data as a vector is added to the current vertex position).


Move the vertex along the surface normal.


Change the vertex freeze value based on the extracted data.


Create a new sculpt layer, and put vectors there, without changing the actual vertex positions.


Change the mask for the given sculpt layer based on the extracted data.

Definition at line 64 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

65  {
67  vaMove,
68  vaDisplace,
69  vaFreeze,
72  vaUnknown
73  };
The vertex position is modified based on the extracted data (the data as a vector is added to the cur...
Each vertex gets a new vertex color asigned, based on the calculated data.
Change the mask for the given sculpt layer based on the extracted data.
Create a new sculpt layer, and put vectors there, without changing the actual vertex positions...
Change the vertex freeze value based on the extracted data.
Move the vertex along the surface normal.

Type of the antialiasing applied to extracted textures. This is only valid if utilizer type is set to texture.


Definition at line 76 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

enum Sampling

How the intersection point is chosen when there are multiple candidates. This is only valid if locate method is set to raycast.


The furthest is chosen, outside of the target mesh.


The furthest is chosen, inside the target mesh.


The closest to the target mesh is chosen.

Definition at line 87 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

88  {
93  };
The closest to the target mesh is chosen.
The furthest is chosen, inside the target mesh.
The furthest is chosen, outside of the target mesh.
enum Quality

Quality of ambient occlusion extraction.


Definition at line 96 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

enum Resolution

Resolution of a texture map. This is always square.


Definition at line 107 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

Compatibility of the extracted normal map.


Definition at line 118 of file MapExtractorAPI.h.

Function Documentation

MEADLL class Extractor mapextraction::CreateNewOperation ( void  )

Creates a new extractor node.

+ Examples:
MEADLL int mapextraction::OperationCount ( void  )

Returns the number of extractor nodes in the scene.

MEADLL class Extractor mapextraction::OperationByIndex ( int  iIndex)

Returns a given existing extractor node.