QtGui/qsizepolicy.h Source File

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42 #ifndef QSIZEPOLICY_H
43 #define QSIZEPOLICY_H
45 #include <QtCore/qobject.h>
53 class QVariant;
55 class Q_GUI_EXPORT QSizePolicy
56 {
60 private:
61  enum SizePolicyMasks {
62  HSize = 4,
63  HMask = 0x0f,
64  VMask = HMask << HSize,
65  CTShift = 9,
66  CTSize = 5,
67  CTMask = ((0x1 << CTSize) - 1) << CTShift,
68  WFHShift = CTShift + CTSize,
69  UnusedShift = WFHShift + 1,
70  UnusedSize = 1
71  };
73 public:
74  enum PolicyFlag {
75  GrowFlag = 1,
76  ExpandFlag = 2,
77  ShrinkFlag = 4,
78  IgnoreFlag = 8
79  };
81  enum Policy {
82  Fixed = 0,
83  Minimum = GrowFlag,
84  Maximum = ShrinkFlag,
85  Preferred = GrowFlag | ShrinkFlag,
86  MinimumExpanding = GrowFlag | ExpandFlag,
87  Expanding = GrowFlag | ShrinkFlag | ExpandFlag,
88  Ignored = ShrinkFlag | GrowFlag | IgnoreFlag
89  };
91  enum ControlType {
92  DefaultType = 0x00000001,
93  ButtonBox = 0x00000002,
94  CheckBox = 0x00000004,
95  ComboBox = 0x00000008,
96  Frame = 0x00000010,
97  GroupBox = 0x00000020,
98  Label = 0x00000040,
99  Line = 0x00000080,
100  LineEdit = 0x00000100,
101  PushButton = 0x00000200,
102  RadioButton = 0x00000400,
103  Slider = 0x00000800,
104  SpinBox = 0x00001000,
105  TabWidget = 0x00002000,
106  ToolButton = 0x00004000
107  };
108  Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ControlTypes, ControlType)
110  QSizePolicy() : data(0) { }
112  // ### Qt 5: merge these two constructors (with type == DefaultType)
113  QSizePolicy(Policy horizontal, Policy vertical)
114  : data(horizontal | (vertical << HSize)) { }
115  QSizePolicy(Policy horizontal, Policy vertical, ControlType type)
116  : data(horizontal | (vertical << HSize)) { setControlType(type); }
118  Policy horizontalPolicy() const { return static_cast<Policy>(data & HMask); }
119  Policy verticalPolicy() const { return static_cast<Policy>((data & VMask) >> HSize); }
120  ControlType controlType() const;
122  void setHorizontalPolicy(Policy d) { data = (data & ~HMask) | d; }
123  void setVerticalPolicy(Policy d) { data = (data & ~(HMask << HSize)) | (d << HSize); }
124  void setControlType(ControlType type);
126  Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const {
127  Qt::Orientations result;
128  if (verticalPolicy() & ExpandFlag)
129  result |= Qt::Vertical;
130  if (horizontalPolicy() & ExpandFlag)
131  result |= Qt::Horizontal;
132  return result;
133  }
135  void setHeightForWidth(bool b) { data = b ? (data | (1 << 2*HSize)) : (data & ~(1 << 2*HSize)); }
136  bool hasHeightForWidth() const { return data & (1 << 2*HSize); }
137  void setWidthForHeight(bool b) { data = b ? (data | (1 << (WFHShift))) : (data & ~(1 << (WFHShift))); }
138  bool hasWidthForHeight() const { return data & (1 << (WFHShift)); }
140  bool operator==(const QSizePolicy& s) const { return data == s.data; }
141  bool operator!=(const QSizePolicy& s) const { return data != s.data; }
142  operator QVariant() const; // implemented in qabstractlayout.cpp
144  int horizontalStretch() const { return data >> 24; }
145  int verticalStretch() const { return (data >> 16) & 0xff; }
146  void setHorizontalStretch(uchar stretchFactor) { data = (data&0x00ffffff) | (uint(stretchFactor)<<24); }
147  void setVerticalStretch(uchar stretchFactor) { data = (data&0xff00ffff) | (uint(stretchFactor)<<16); }
149  void transpose();
151 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
152  typedef Policy SizeType;
153 #ifndef qdoc
154  typedef Qt::Orientations ExpandData;
155  enum {
156  NoDirection = 0,
157  Horizontally = 1,
158  Vertically = 2,
159  BothDirections = Horizontally | Vertically
160  };
161 #else
162  enum ExpandData {
163  NoDirection = 0x0,
164  Horizontally = 0x1,
165  Vertically = 0x2,
166  BothDirections = 0x3
167  };
168 #endif // qdoc
170  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool mayShrinkHorizontally() const
171  { return horizontalPolicy() & ShrinkFlag; }
172  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool mayShrinkVertically() const { return verticalPolicy() & ShrinkFlag; }
173  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool mayGrowHorizontally() const { return horizontalPolicy() & GrowFlag; }
174  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool mayGrowVertically() const { return verticalPolicy() & GrowFlag; }
175  inline QT3_SUPPORT Qt::Orientations expanding() const { return expandingDirections(); }
177  QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QSizePolicy(Policy hor, Policy ver, bool hfw)
178  : data(hor | (ver<<HSize) | (hfw ? (1U<<2*HSize) : 0)) { }
180  QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QSizePolicy(Policy hor, Policy ver, uchar hors, uchar vers, bool hfw = false)
181  : data(hor | (ver<<HSize) | (hfw ? (1U<<2*HSize) : 0)) {
182  setHorizontalStretch(hors);
183  setVerticalStretch(vers);
184  }
186  inline QT3_SUPPORT Policy horData() const { return static_cast<Policy>(data & HMask); }
187  inline QT3_SUPPORT Policy verData() const { return static_cast<Policy>((data & VMask) >> HSize); }
188  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setHorData(Policy d) { setHorizontalPolicy(d); }
189  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setVerData(Policy d) { setVerticalPolicy(d); }
191  inline QT3_SUPPORT uint horStretch() const { return horizontalStretch(); }
192  inline QT3_SUPPORT uint verStretch() const { return verticalStretch(); }
193  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setHorStretch(uchar sf) { setHorizontalStretch(sf); }
194  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setVerStretch(uchar sf) { setVerticalStretch(sf); }
195 #endif
197 private:
198 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
199  friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QSizePolicy &);
200  friend Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QSizePolicy &);
201 #endif
202  QSizePolicy(int i) : data(i) { }
204  quint32 data;
205 /* Qt5: Use bit flags instead, keep it here for improved readability for now.
206  We can maybe change it for Qt4, but we'd have to be careful, since the behaviour
207  is implementation defined. It usually varies between little- and big-endian compilers, but
208  it might also not vary.
209  quint32 horzPolicy : 4;
210  quint32 vertPolicy : 4;
211  quint32 hfw : 1;
212  quint32 ctype : 5;
213  quint32 wfh : 1;
214  quint32 padding : 1; // we cannot use the highest bit
215  quint32 verStretch : 8;
216  quint32 horStretch : 8;
217 */
219 };
221 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QSizePolicy::ControlTypes)
223 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
224 // implemented in qlayout.cpp
225 Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QSizePolicy &);
226 Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QSizePolicy &);
227 #endif
229 inline void QSizePolicy::transpose() {
230  Policy hData = horizontalPolicy();
231  Policy vData = verticalPolicy();
232  uchar hStretch = uchar(horizontalStretch());
233  uchar vStretch = uchar(verticalStretch());
234  setHorizontalPolicy(vData);
235  setVerticalPolicy(hData);
236  setHorizontalStretch(vStretch);
237  setVerticalStretch(hStretch);
238 }
244 #endif // QSIZEPOLICY_H
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
bool operator!=(const QSizePolicy &s) const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:141
bool hasHeightForWidth() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:136
Definition: qglobal.h:128
QSizePolicy(Policy horizontal, Policy vertical, ControlType type)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:115
Definition: qglobal.h:141
bool operator==(const QSizePolicy &s) const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:140
void setVerticalStretch(uchar stretchFactor)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:147
void transpose()
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:229
bool hasWidthForHeight() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:138
#define Q_ENUMS(x)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:84
void setHorizontalStretch(uchar stretchFactor)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:146
Definition: qglobal.h:127
Policy verticalPolicy() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:119
GLsizei GLsizei GLenum GLenum const GLvoid * data
Definition: GLee.h:880
void setVerticalPolicy(Policy d)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:123
QSizePolicy(Policy horizontal, Policy vertical)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:113
#define Q_GADGET
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:173
GLubyte GLubyte b
Definition: GLee.h:5404
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream & operator>>(QDataStream &, QSizePolicy &)
Policy horizontalPolicy() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:118
void setHorizontalPolicy(Policy d)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:122
void setHeightForWidth(bool b)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:135
unsigned int quint32
Definition: qglobal.h:938
Qt::Orientations expandingDirections() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:126
void setWidthForHeight(bool b)
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:137
Q_GUI_EXPORT QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream &, const QSizePolicy &)
int horizontalStretch() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:144
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
Definition: qglobal.h:142
GLsizei GLboolean transpose
Definition: GLee.h:1750
int verticalStretch() const
Definition: qsizepolicy.h:145