Add images to the Stamp or Stencil tray


Images that you create for stencils and stamps must be saved as a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) containing three color channels and an alpha channel (RGBA) and be 16 bit in depth. For more information, see Saving images for stencils and stamps.

Loading the image into the tray provides easy access, it is not a requirement for using the image as a stamp or stencil.

To load an image in the Stamp or Stencil trays

  1. Do either of the following:
    • In the Stencil or Stamp tool tray, select either Add Stamp or Add Stencil, then browse to select the image you want to save to the tray.


    • Copy it to the following Mudbox directories:


      • <drive>:\My Documents\Mudbox\<version>\data\Stamps
      • <drive>:\My Documents\Mudbox\<version>\data\Stencils

      Mac OS X

      • /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Mudbox <version>/Stamps
      • /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Mudbox <version>/Stencils


      • /home/<username>/Mudbox/<version>/data/Stamps
      • /home/<username>/Mudbox/<version>/data/Stencils

      Images you place in these directories appear in the associated tray the next time you launch Mudbox.

      Note: If the image does not appear in the appropriate tray, your Mudbox settings may be corrupted. See Remove your Mudbox user preferences.
Tip: When saving a new or edited stencil, you can turn on Add To Tray in the Save Stencil As options. (See Edit a stencil.)

Related topics

Sculpt using stencils

Sculpt using stamps

Stencil properties

Create a stencil