Create pose presets

Pose presets let you create a library of poses for a model so you can quickly cycle through and check a series of positions the character needs to assume when in action. This can be useful for many workflows, for example:

To save a pose


    Before transforming any joints to create your first pose, consider saving an initial ‘base’ pose that you can return to if necessary. The idea is to create a neutral pose (with minimal deformation) that you can quickly come back to or start from as you pose and deform your model.

  1. Manipulate your character into the pose you want to save.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Open the Poses window (Windows > Poses). (If you have more than one skeleton in your scene, select the skeleton you want from the window that appears.)

      This displays the skeleton properties in a separate window.

    • Select a Skeleton in the Object List.
  3. In the Skeleton properties (or Poses window) click Save New Pose As.
  4. In the Save Pose As window that appears, enter a name for the pose and click Save Pose.

    The pose now appears in the Go To Pose drop-down list.

    When you save a pose, Mudbox stores the transform information for all joints on the skeleton.

To go to a pose

  1. Open the Poses window or Skeleton properties and select the pose you want from the Go To Pose drop-down list.

To update an existing pose

  1. In the Poses window or Skeleton properties, select the pose you want to update in the Go To Pose drop-down list.
  2. Transform the model into the updated position you want.
  3. Click Update Pose.

    The pose is updated with the current position.

Related topics

Skeleton properties