Image Plane properties

To view Image Plane properties for a camera, expand the Camera object in the Object List and select the ImagePlane object.


Displays the file path for the image loaded on the camera’s image plane. Click Import to load the image or use the Image Browser. See also Import a reference image.


Launches the file browser for loading an image onto the camera’s image plane.


Specifies the transparency of the image plane. Adjust this when the image appears too opaque or transparent in relation to the model.


Specifies how far the image plane is from the camera which affects where the image appears in relation to the model in the 3D View.


Defines the image plane’s Translation, Rotation and Scale properties. Enter values to change the position and scale of the image plane in the 3D View. Rotation occurs only within the camera viewing plane.

Related topics

Load an image into the camera view

Using the Image Browser

Sample color from an image