Files preferences

Save PTEX Textures with .mud file

When on, Mudbox saves paint layers for all PTEX models in the scene as PTEX files in the <filename>-files folder associated with your .mud file. This process does slow the saving of .mud files that contain painted PTEX objects. See also Save paint layers.

Merge PTEX layers in each channel

When on, Mudbox merges all PTEX layers per channel into a single PTEX image when you save a PTEX model.

Note: By default, this option is not enabled. To enable it, you must turn on the Save PTEX Textures with .mud file option.
Preprocessing face count upper limit and Preprocessing face count lower limit

Set the upper and lower limit for determining whether an imported quad model is pre-processed when loaded. A pre-processed model tumbles faster when its polygon count is dense (4-100 million polygons).

Enable Preprocessing on load

When on, imported quad models are pre-processed when loaded into the 3D View. Set upper and lower face count limits using the options listed above. Pre-processing models will not preserve the original vertex IDs.

Save mesh data in PTEX files

When on (default), Mudbox also saves general data about the mesh (vertex positions, list of faces, and so on) in output PTEX files. This can be useful if other tools in your pipeline can use this type of PTEX data, for example if you will use a PTEX viewer to inspect the output file. It is recommended that you keep this option on if you plan to extract PTEX files.

Validate meshes on import

When on, Mudbox automatically scans every FBX or OBJ mesh that you import to alert you to any potential problems before you spend time painting or sculpting. When off, imported files are not scanned. You can also select Edit > Validate Meshes from the main menu bar at any time to scan all meshes in the scene.

Generate thumbnails when saving OBJ files

When on, a small bitmap image of the 3D View is created when you save a file. The thumbnail is subsequently displayed in the Open a file area of the Welcome window.

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