Sample color on a model

To copy a color from the current paint layer and set it as the Paint Brush color

  1. In the Paint Tools tray, select the Eyedropper.

    The cursor changes to an eyedropper icon.

  2. In the 3D View, position the eyedropper over the color you want and click to sample.
    Tip: You can also use the Eyedropper to sample color from an image loaded as an image plane in the 3D View. For information on loading an image plane, see Import a reference image.

    The color is sampled and loaded as the color for the Paint Brush. The next time you paint, the Paint Brush applies the copied color.

    Tip: To keep the Eyedropper tool active until you select another Paint or Sculpt tool, press the I key as you sample.
    Note: Copying a color using the Eyedropper samples the true pixel color, disregarding lighting and shading on the model.

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