Curves marking menu

Right-click a curve in the 3D View or the Object List to access these options.

Stroke On Curve

Applies a selected tool automatically along the active curve. For example, if you select the Paint Brush tool, then select Stroke On Curve, the paint stroke is applied evenly along the curve based on the Paint Brush properties. See also Sculpt or paint using curves.

Lock/Unlock Curve

Locks and unlocks the curve. When a curve is locked, it cannot be modified by the Smooth Curve or Grab Curve tools, and it cannot be extended or closed using the Create Curve tool.

Rename Curve
Select Curve
Show All Curves

Shows all previously hidden curves.

Deselect Curves

Hide Other Curves

Hides all other curves in the scene, letting you focus on a single active curve.

Close Curve

Connects the end of a curve to its start point, creating a closed loop.

Duplicate Curve

Creates a copy of the active curve.

Delete Curve

Displays the following curve properties in the Properties window.


Lets you enter a new name for the curve. By default, 3D curves drawn on a model surface are named Curven (where n is a sequential number), and 2D curves drawn on the view plane are named ViewCurven.

Constrained to Surface

(For 3D Curves only.)

Controls whether the curve is constrained to the surface of the object as you modify the curve using the Grab Curve tool. When on, all points of the curve stay constrained to the surface as you modify the curve with the Grab Curve tool. When off, the Grab Curve tool lets you lift segments of the curve off the surface. See also Modify curves.

Related topics

Customize a marking menu

Create curves