ViewCube menu

The ViewCube menu provides options to define the orientation of the ViewCube, switch between orthographic and perspective projection, define the Home and Front views for the model, and control the appearance of the ViewCube.


Restores the Home view saved with the model.


Switches the current view to orthographic projection.


Switches the current view to perspective projection.

Perspective with Orthographic Faces

Switches the current view to perspective projection unless the current view aligns with a face view defined on the ViewCube.

Lock to Selection

Uses the selected objects to define the center of the view when a view orientation change occurs with the ViewCube.

Note: If you click Home on the ViewCube, the view returns to the Home view even if you select Lock to Current Selection.
Set Current View as Home

Defines the Home view of the model based on the current view.

Set Current View as Front

Defines the Front view of the model based on the current view.

Reset Front

Resets the Front view of the scene to its default orientation.


Opens the ViewCube properties, where you can adjust the appearance and behavior of the ViewCube.

3Dconnexion Properties

Opens the 3Dconnexion Properties window, where you can adjust the navigation speed used for view changes if you are using a 3DConnexion 3D mouse.

Note: Use of 3Dconnexion devices with Mudbox is only supported on Windows and Mac OS X.

Launches the online Help system and displays a topic on the ViewCube.

Related topics

ViewCube overview

Navigate the 3D view