Applying symmetry to an existing mesh is particularly useful for models scanned from real-world objects. Models created with reality capture devices often appear symmetrical in one dimension, but actually possess some small asymmetry, with at least one face straddling the center line. If Mudbox can't detect the axis of symmetry, (when Set a topological axis fails), the model can't be painted or sculpted with tangent symmetry.
To make a mesh symmetrical
You can copy one side of the mesh over one, two, or all three axes at the same time.
As you hover over options in the Make Symmetrical window, a preview plane displays in the 3D View to indicate the center of the model on the desired axis, along with a green check mark showing which side of the model will be copied.
This becomes important later if you plan to sculpt using tangent symmetry.
Mudbox creates a new mesh with a single topological axis set, and the original mesh is hidden. In the Object List, the new mesh name is based on the original mesh name, plus the suffix -sym.