Print Studio provides many ways to work with model files.
As you prepare your models for printing, you may want to share it with someone or save work-in-progress for later. Print Studio can save everything in the scene to a 3PS file, including repairs, supports, and all items outside the build volume. Including models and changes, the 3PS file stores the print profile used when the scene was saved. When you're ready to continue preparing the models in that scene, open the saved 3PS file.
After you've imported multiple models and have begun preparing them for printing, you may want to create a mesh file copy of one or all models. You may also want to export a mesh file as a different file format or to create a version to modify or test later. You can export a mesh file from Print Studio as an STL (ASCII or binary), OBJ, or 3MF file.
Due to file format limitations, STL files can't store repairs or supports you've made to models in a scene. To retain these modifications, we recommend either saving the entire scene as a 3PS file or exporting using the 3MF or OBJ file formats.