Change the temporary working file path - workstation

The following process updates the location of a temporary working path for Simulation Compute Manager. You will require root or sudo access to stop the services and to perform edits to the configuration files. For this example, the new location will be referred to as /tmp/scmWorking

The temporary directory should have the following characteristics:

(In the following instructions, inside adskscmX and scmX, X should be replaced with SCM major release)

  1. Create the new location with the properties outlined above.

  2. Stop the Simulation Compute Manager with sudo systemctl stop adskscmX

  3. Open the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/adskscmX.service in a text editor. This will require root or sudo access.

  4. Insert the following after the line PIDFile="/var/lock/" (approximately at line 9)

     #Change the SCM default storage path
     Environment="SCM_WORKING =/tmp/scmWorking"
  5. Reload the Simulation Compute Manager with the command sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  6. Restart the Simulation Compute Manager with the command sudo systemctl start adskscmX