Controlling the Simulation Compute Manager

(In the following instructions, inside adskscmX, X should be replaced with SCM major release)

The Simulation Compute Manager is controlled via a standard systemd service file located at /usr/lib/systemd/system/adskscmX.service

Control the Simulation Compute Manager by calling systemctl via the command line in the following manner:

sudo systemctl {option} adskscmX

where {option} is one of the following:

Option Effect

Starts the Simulation Compute Manager


Stops the Simulation Compute Manager


Queries whether or not the Simulation Compute Manager is running


Stops, then restarts the Simulation Compute Manager. This command is useful when you need to force a reread of the configuration files.


Starts SimulationCompute service automatically on boot.


Edit the service via systemctl

By default, the Simulation Compute Manager is configured to start, automatically, for run levels 2, 3, 4 and 5. When the machine is restarted this means the Simulation Compute Manager also restarts automatically.