Using the timeline

For animating, use the timeline to add, duplicate, move, insert, rearrange, clear, or delete keyframes. Scrub through or playback your animation, turn on or off ghosting and set the number of frames ghosted. You can even set the playback range.

A labeled image of the SketchBook Pro FlipBook timeline

  1. Starting frame of the flipbook/ Starting frame of the playback range
  2. Current frame
  3. End frame of the flipbook/ End frame of the playback range
  4. Show/hide ghosting previous frame/ Show/hide ghosting next frame
  5. Auto Keyframe
  6. Loop
  7. Playback range
  8. Playback controls of frames

Adding a keyframe

To add a keyframe, select a frame and click Add a keyframe icon in SketchBook Pro.

Duplicating a keyframe

To duplicate a keyframe, select a frame and click Duplicate a keyframe icon in SketchBook Pro.

Inserting an empty frame

To add a frame before a keyframe and extend the length of your animation. Select the keyframe the inserted frame will follow and click Inserting an empty frame in SketchBook Pro.

Moving keyframes in the timeline

In the timeline, click-drag a keyframe to another location to move it. Notice the cursor changes to Moving keyframes in the timeline in SketchBook Pro.

Clearing a keyframe

To erase all content from a keyframe, select a frame and click Clear a keyframe icon in SketchBook Pro.

Deleting a keyframe

To delete a keyframe, select a frame and click Delete a keyframe in SketchBook Pro.

Auto keyframe

Click Activate Auto Keyframe in SketchBook Pro to activate it (Auto Keyframe in SketchBook Pro), then tap a frame, and sketch something. A keyframe is automatically created.

Looping the animation

To loop the animation, click Looping the animation in SketchBook Pro, then Play icon.

Playing back animation

Use the Playback controls to jump to the beginning, rewind, play, fast forward, or jump to the end of the animation.

Playback controls in SketchBook Pro

Setting a playback range

Use the playback range to play only a select range of frames. The maximum playback range is 40 frames.

Setting a playback range in SketchBook Pro

Do either of the following: