Contacting support

Need to contact support? Have a question? Looking for online resources? Visit the SketchBook Pro Forum.

SketchBook Pro Forum

Do you have a question or are experiencing an issue? Are you looking to have an online discussion with other SketchBook Pro users? Do you want to get some advice on how to use SketchBook Pro or get some best practices? If so, check out the new SketchBook Pro Forum. Our support team monitors the forum to ensure your questions are answered and your issues are resolved.

If you are a mobile user, please do NOT visit the app stores for assistance. Since it isn't monitored as often as the forum and is meant only for app reviews and feedback, it shouldn't be used as a support portal. To avoid frustration and get quick resolution to issues, please visit the forum. Here you can search for solutions to common issues. If you can't find a solution or an answer to a question, create a forum post.


If you have business question, you can contact Autodesk at

Online Solutions

If you are curious about the product, want to learn more about SketchBook Pro, or are looking for some inspiration, check out these resources: