
There are an assortment of erasers in SketchBook Pro. You can find them in various brush packs in the Brush Library and there are two Hard eraser icon hard and Soft eraser icon soft erasers are found in the Brush Palette.

For mobile users, tap Brush Library icon and scroll through the Brush Library to find different erasers.

Video captions: Selecting an eraser. Tap the third icon in the toolbar. This opens the Brush Library. Let's scroll and look at the different brush sets. Notice some brush sets do not have an eraser. Now, let's select an eraser. To change the settings for this eraser, tap Setting. This opens the Brush Properties. Tap-drag sliders to change the settings. Notice, there are two tabs, Basic and Advanced. Basic has options, such as Size and Flow. And, if you scroll to the bottom, you can click Reset to reset the eraser to its default settings. Tap Advanced to see the advanced settings, such as Pressure, Stamp, Rotation Dynamics, and Nib. Let's go back to basics. Let's change the size of the brush and let's change the flow. When finished, tap the X to return to the canvas. Now, let's erase.

For tablet users, if the erasers aren't visible in the palette, tap-drag up or down within the palette to expose them.

Exposing more brushes in the Brush Palette

Creating an eraser pack

If you want all the erasers in one place, create an eraser pack.

Created Eraser pack

  1. Follow the instructions in Creating a new brush set to create a new brush set.

  2. Follow the steps in Renaming brushes and brush sets to rename the pack.

  3. To add erasers to the pack, do one of two things:

    • If you don’t want to remove the selected eraser from its current set, make a duplicate using Copy Brush (found in the Brush Library marking menu). Once you have a copy, drag it to the new set.
    • Drag an eraser directly into the brush pack. This removes the eraser from its original pack and moves it to the new pack.

Creating custom erasers

If you have a brush you love, but wish there was an eraser just like it, use Transparent Color to create one.

Modifying an eraser

To make changes to an existing eraser, do the following:

  1. In the Brush Palette, tap the following to open the Brush Library:

    • For Desktop users: Brush Library icon
    • For Mobile users: Brush Editor icon in the iPad version of Autodesk SketchBook
    • For Windows 10 users: Brush Library icon
  2. In the Brush Library, select the eraser you want to modify.

  3. Do the following to access Brush Properties:

    • For Desktop users: Tap Brush Properties icon

    • For Mobile users: Tap Settings .

      Tap Library to access access the Brush Library in Autodesk SketchBook on iPad.

      On a tablet

      Brush Properties in the 64-bit iPhone version of Autodesk SketchBook

      On a handheld device

    • For Windows 10 users: Double-tap the eraser.

  4. Edit the eraser, then close the Brush Properties and continue drawing.