Creating a new brush set

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If you have created a bunch of brushes, create a new brush set to help organize them. The new set will appear below the current active brush set in the Brush Library. From there, why not load the set into yourBrush Palette to make them even more accessible.

Creating a new brush set in SketchBook Pro Desktop

  1. To create a brush set, in the Brush Library, tap a brush set.

    Brush Palette and icon to open Brush Library Brush Library - use the marking menu to access the option, New Brush Set

  2. Tap-hold Marking menu icon and select New Brush Set New Brush Set.

    Tap-hold marking menu icon in SketchBook and select New Brush Set

  3. Tap-hold a brush to select it.

  4. Drag the brush into the set to populate it.

    INFORMATION: If you don’t want to remove the selected brush from its current set, you can duplicate the brush, using Copy Brush (found in the Library marking menu). Once you have a copy, drag it to the new set.

Renaming a brush set

Once you’ve created a brush set, you may want to assign a name that better describes its contents.

Tap the set name to make it editable, then enter a new name, and press the Enter key.

Renaming a brush set in SketchBook

Creating a new brush set in SketchBook Pro Mobile


SketchBook Pro Mobile doesn’t currently support brush set creation.

Creating a new brush set in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

Renaming a brush set in SketchBook Windows 10

Use Create Brush Set in SketchBook Windows 10 to create a brush set for your custom brushes.

  1. In the Brush Library, tap a set.
  2. Tap Radial marking menu icon and flick Create Brush Set in SketchBook Windows 10. The brush set appears below the previously selected set. The next thing will be to name the set.

Renaming a brush set on Windows 10

Tap the name of the brush set to make it editable. Enter a new name, then tap your Enter key.