Importing brush icons

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The device you are using, as well as the version of SketchBook Pro you are running, will determine whether you can create custom brush icons.

Do you have custom brushes you’d like to share or sell? Would you like to export these brushes and have someone imports them, with your custom brush icons? You can!

Custom icons cannot be assigned to default brushes.


You can also create a brush icon by capturing the stamp of a brush, if this functionality is supported in your version of SketchBook. In Brush Properties > Advanced tab, scroll down to Texture and capture the texture stamp.

Here are some things to know when creating brush icons:

Importing brush icons in SketchBook Pro Desktop

Once you have created an icon (see the recommended size and format above), the next step is assigning it to a brush.

  1. With a brush selected, tap Brush Properties icon to open Brush Properties.

  2. Tap the icon next to the brush name to open a menu of icons.

    Import a custom brush icon

  3. Select Import…

    Only PNG, JPG, and TIFF images can be imported as brush icons.

  4. In the dialog that appears, locate and select the icons you want to bring into SketchBook, then tap Open.

Importing brush icons in SketchBook Pro Mobile


SketchBook Pro Mobile doesn't currently support the importing of brush icons.

Importing brush icons in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

Once you have created an icon (see the recommended size and format above), the next step is assigning it to a brush.

  1. Double-tap the brush to open Brush Properties.

  2. Tap the icon next to the brush name to open a menu of icons.

    Selecting a new icon in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

  3. Select Import…

    Only PNG, JPG, and TIFF images can be imported as brush icons.

    Importing an icon in SketchBook Pro Windows 10

  4. In the dialog that appears, locate and select the icons you want to bring into SketchBook Pro, then tap Open.