Platform and Integration Notes

  1. AMP is normally initialized during the GFx::System object construction, or during the GFx::System::Init function call. Alternatively, if a Scaleform::System is instead used to initialize Scaleform, the programmer needs to explicitly initialize and shut down AMP by calling GFx::AMP::Server::Init()and GFx::AMP::Server::Uninit(), respectively.

  2. AMP needs to receive information every game frame in order to display memory and performance statistics. The following call should be inserted in the rendering thread to explicitly update AMP: AmpServer::GetInstance().AdvanceFrame()

  3. The AMP client application is currently available only for Windows.

  4. AMP server is currently supported for Windows, PS4, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone/iPad, and XboxOne. Using the automatic discovery feature of the AMP client, connecting is straightforward. However, connecting without automatic discovery requires knowledge of the IP address for the AMP server, which can cause confusion because some platforms have multiple IP addresses.