Leaderboard - stingray.Leaderboard namespace reference - Stingray Lua API Reference

stingray.Leaderboard namespace reference


This interface is for accessing the leaderboards functionality on Steam.

As the object is a singleton (there is only one Leaderboard), you do not need to pass any Leaderboard object to the functions. All the functions operate on the Leaderboard singleton.



token :


The token that you want to close.

This function does not return any values.

boards :

any(string, string[])

The name of the leaderboard, or a table that contains multiple leaderboard names.

The any(...) notation indicates that this item may be an instance of any of the types shown in the parentheses.


A token that you can query by calling progress().

All leaderboards that are used by the game through the Leaderboard interface can be 'preloaded' before use. It is recommended to preload if all leaderboards are known beforehand. This is not a requirement, but it makes future queries on leaderboards snappier (the first time one of the preloaded leaderboards is used).

For example:

token1 = stingray.Leaderboard.init_leaderboards("jumps")
token2 = stingray.Leaderboard.init_leaderboards({ "jumps", "high_jumps" })

board :


The ID of the leaderboard to fetch data from.

ranks_before :


The number of ranks to fetch before the logged-in player: i.e. the number of better scores to retrieve.

ranks_after :


The number of ranks to fetch after the logged-in player: i.e. the number of worse scores to retrieve.

data_template :


Optional. Skip this parameter in case you do not store custom data in the leaderboard. Otherwise, set this to a table that contains the format for your custom data if you wish to read the data. This table must be exactly equal to the table sent as data template to the stingray.Leaderboard.register_score() function.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.


A token that you can query by calling progress().

For example:

template =

token = Leaderboard.ranking_around_self("jumps", 5, 5, template)

board :


The ID of the leaderboard to fetch data from.

data_template :


Optional. Skip this parameter in case you do not store custom data in the leaderboard. Otherwise, set this to a table that contains the format for your custom data if you wish to read the data. This table must be exactly equal to the table sent as data template to the stingray.Leaderboard.register_score() function.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.


A token that you can query by calling progress().


board :


The ID of the leaderboard to fetch data from.

start_range :


The first serial rank to fetch (starts at 1).

num_ranks :


The number of ranks to fetch including the start rank.

data_template :


Optional. Skip this parameter in case you do not store custom data in the leaderboard. Otherwise, set this to a table that contains the format for your custom data if you wish to read the data. This table must be exactly equal to the table sent as data template to the stingray.Leaderboard.register_score() function.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.


A token that you can query by calling progress().

For example:

token = Leaderboard.ranking_range("jumps", 1, 100)

board :


The leaderboard to register the score with.

score :

any(integer, string)

If the score is a number, the value is used to update the score. If the score is a string, the value of the stat with the same name is used to update the score.

The any(...) notation indicates that this item may be an instance of any of the types shown in the parentheses.

update_method :


Specifies how the existing score on the leaderboard must be updated. May be any of the constants in the update mode group. Optional; default is Leaderboard.KEEP_BEST.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.

data_template :


Optional. This lists the data types that contains data and how they must be packed. The table must be a plain list with the following possible entries:

  • stingray.Leaderboard.INT(num_bits)
  • stingray.Leaderboard.UNIT(num_bits)
  • stingray.Leaderboard.STRING(num_chars)
  • stingray.Leaderboard.BOOL
  • stingray.Leaderboard.NUMBER

Each type definition must correspond to the values specified in the data parameter. The total size of the packed data cannot exceed 64 bytes; exceeding the size limit will cause you to lose information.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.

data :


Optional. This lists the values that must be packed using the data template. INT, UINT, and NUMBER types must be represented by number values. BOOL types must be boolean values, and STRING types must be a string with equal or fewer characters than what is specified in the template.

The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it.


A token that you can query by calling progress().

For example:

Data type specifiers

NUMBER : integer

A type specifier for a floating-point number, to be used in data template tables.

num_bits :


The number of bits to use to store the number.

Note: One bit is used for the sign, so a 2-bit INT can hold values from -2 to 1. The largest value that can be stored is 2^(num_bits-1) -1.



A type specifier for a signed integer, to be used in data template tables.


num_chars :


The number of characters reserved to store the string. This must be at least the number of characters of the largest string to be stored. In reality, an extra termination character is reserved.



A type specifier for a fixed size string, to be used in data template tables.


num_bits :


The number of bits to use to store the number. The largest value that can be stored is 2^num_bits - 1.



A type specifier for an unsigned integer, to be used in data template tables.

Update modes

The constants in this group can be passed in calls to register_score().

FORCE_UPDATE : integer

The leaderboard score will always be updated with the new value.