Particle system properties
When you select a Particle Effect in the Particle Editor, the following properties display.
Click Respawn
at any time to view the effect of your changes as you edit the properties of the particle effect system.
Lets you change the default name of the system, which is useful for organization when you have multiple particle effects in your level.
Particle Life
Set Min/Max values to define the particle lifespan (time in seconds).
Set the total number of particles to create for the particle system. This value limits the number of particles allowed to spawn in the system.
Enter X, Y, Z co-ordinates to control spawn position.
Enter a value to control how much tilt when spawned.
Enter a value to control how much spin when spawned.
Within the System properties, you can also set the following:
These properties define how many particles to spawn over time.
Set the rate Min/Max values, and use the small graph denoting rate over (particle life) time.
Billboard Visualizer properties
The material map for the billboard.
By default, the billboard uses <particle_effect_name>_default.material that gets created for the effect. (This is a child material of core/stingray_renderer/shaders/particle_default.)
Click the Goto Resource icon, then click Open Shader Graph to edit the shader graph.
Refer to the Stingray Shader Node Reference for details on the nodes added to support the physically based materials for particles, including Output > Particle Base, Particles > Billboard Position, Particles > Billboard Rotation, and Particles > Billboard Size.
Initial Size
Set Min/Max values for the size of the particle.
Scale over time
Adjust the graph to change the size of the particle over its lifetime.
Use system lifetime for scale
Enable to spawn and scale the particle separately from its general attributes
Control height separately
Enable to control the height of the particle.
Initial Height
Set Min/Max values for the height of the particle.
Scale over time
Adjust the graph to change the height of the particle over its lifetime.
Use system lifetime for scale
Enable to spawn and change the height separately from its general attributes.
Set Min/Max values to add brightness to the particle.
Double-click the white square to change the color of the particle. Click below the Gradient to add white squares and add different colors for the particle.
Opacity over time
Adjust the graph to control the opacity of the particle to achieve a fade in and out effect.
Particle Effect properties
Infinite Life Time (on/off)
Enable for the particles to live infinitely.
Life Time
If Infinite lifetime is not selected, enter a value as the lifetime of the particles spawned.
Use Random Seed
Enable for the particles in the system to be generated randomly.
Preview Settings properties
Camera Distance
Spawn Height
Particle system components
Right-click a particle system in the Property Editor to add the following components from the pop-up menu:
- Gravity
- Vector Field Wind
- Box
- Cylinder
- Local Space
- Mesh
- Sphere
- Warp Box
- Align Direction Box
- Align to Velocity
- By Velocity
- Face Velocity
- Facing Direction Box
- Random
- Spin
- Size by Life
- Size by Variable