Document Settings Reference

Use the Document Settings dialog box to set default values for the current document. This dialog box contains most, but not all of TruPlan’s settings; for settings not included, the most recently-used values are used when working in TruPlan.


Use the Display tab to specify the color of analyses and geometry for improved visibility.


Use this section of the Display tab to set the default colors that are used when creating analyses. These colors can be overridden (if applicable) on a per analysis basis.

  • Pass Color - Indicates a safe level.
  • Warning Color - Indicates a level approaching the limit.
  • Limit Color - Indicates that a limit has been exceeded.


Use this section of the Display tab to set the default colors, line style and line weight for tows, surface edges, and surfaces in canvas.


Use this tab to set default tolerances and blending radius for the current document. You can also set tolerances for when Rosette Check is enabled in the Strategy dialog box:


This tab defines the way layups are displayed in the browser. Select Show Original Names After Import to use the layup names specified in the original XML file. Deselect Show Original Names After Import to sequentially name the layups Layup.1, Layup.2, and so on.