Nesting data is information in an output file that is used by nesting software, such as Autodesk TruNest, to optimize the amount of material used during the cutting process. The Nesting Data dialog box uses the most recently-used settings and options to generate a nesting data output file. This topic includes two procedures; one for creating laser output using the most recent settings, and one for how to adjust settings.
The Nesting Data dialog box opens.
If you are creating a Composites Part Data file (CPD), the part name will be used as the assembly name in the file.
You can set a default location in the Nesting Output tab of the TruPlan Options dialog box.
Beside the Output File Type box, the default length unit is shown. This is set by the host application (for example, Inventor), and will be saved with your file.
The output file is created in the folder you specified.
A report file of the same name with suffix -report.htm is also created. This report includes information such as which units and axis system were used, number of plies, information messages, geometry settings, and so on. This information can be useful when trying to recreate an output file later on.
By default, all plies in the active configuration are included. If a ply is divided into sub-plies, only its active subdivision is included.
If you are working with imported flatten geometry, Autodesk recommends that that flatten geometry be created on the XY plane in the design software. If you do not do this, you can use a rosette axis system to force the flatten geometry onto a particular plane in TruPlan. By default, TruPlan uses the global coordinate system for nesting output.
(Rosettes do not appear in DXF output.)
If there are plies in the manufacturing configuration that do not contain flat patterns (necessary for nesting), they are listed in an information box that opens.