Create and Delete a Vault

Follow the steps in this section to delete vaults and create new vaults.

Refer to Managing Vaults and Databases for more information about how a Vault is structured.

Delete a Vault

Deleting a vault permanently destroys the information related to the vault, including the SQL database and the file store.

When a vault is deleted in a multi-site environment, any scheduled replications with the vault are deleted as well. If the vault data had been replicated to other sites, the replicated data remains at the other sites. A dialog box is displayed indicating which other sites contain replicated data.

Note: A vault cannot be deleted if it is currently being replicated.

Access to the vault database is blocked during the delete operation. Data management clients cannot access the database until the operation is complete.

Caution: The Delete operation is not reversible. All information related to this vault is permanently removed, including all files associated with it.

When working in a Connected Workgroups (aka Full Replication/Database Replication) environment, the Delete operation is limited to the Publisher workgroup.

Delete a Vault

  1. Launch the Autodesk Data Management Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, select a vault from the Vaults folder.
  3. Select Actions  Delete.
  4. Click Yes to confirm your actions.

    The vault is deleted and all information related to the vault is permanently removed.

Delete the Master Vault

The Master Vault (also known as Knowledge Vault Master) can be deleted by accessing the Delete Master Vault command from the Tools menu in the Autodesk Data Management Server Console.

The Delete Master Vault operation permanently removes the database files that are related to the Knowledge Vault Master.

Important: Knowledge Vault Master cannot be deleted without detaching all existing databases (vaults and libraries) first.

No Vault operations can be performed after deleting the Master Vault. You will have to create a new Master Vault in order to perform Vault operations again.

When working in a Connected Workgroups (also known as Full/Database Replication) environment, the Delete Master Vault operation is limited to the Publisher workgroup.

Delete the Master Vault

  1. Launch the Autodesk Data Management Server console.
  2. Select Tools Delete Master Vault.

    The Master Vault is deleted.

    No Vault operations can be performed until a new Master Vault is created.

Create a New Master Vault

Creating a new master vault creates the KnowledgeVaultMaster.mdf and KnowledgeVaultMaster_log.ldf files to which the vault databases are attached.

You must detach all databases before creating the master vault. The master vault can only be created if KnowledgeVaultMaster.mdf and KnowledgeVaultMaster_log.ldf have been previously detached and removed from the C:\Program Files \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data directory.

  1. Launch the Autodesk Data Management Server Console.
  2. Verify that all users are logged out of the vault server.
  3. Click Tools  Create Master Vault.
  4. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the Vault Master was created successfully. Click OK.

Create a New Vault

Use the server console to create additional vaults. You can organize your information into different locations by creating different vaults. Vaults are completely independent from each other. A client computer can only be logged on to one vault at a time.

Note: When adding a vault in a multi-site environment, the new vault is disabled for all other sites by default. All other sites must enable the new vault.
  1. Launch the Autodesk Data Management Server Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, select the Vaults folder.
  3. Click Actions  Create.
  4. In the Create Vault dialog box, enter the name for the new vault. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces.
    Note: A vault cannot have the same name as an existing library.
  5. The file store can be located in a default location, or a new location can be specified. Click OK to create the new vault with the default file store location, or click Select File Store Location to specify a new location, and then click OK.
    Note: The file store is where the vault database stores the actual files that are in the vault server. The location can be local or remote. If you want to specify a location on another computer, use UNC path naming conventions. For example: \\SERVER\SHARE\Vault.
  6. Select the Use a custom configuration file check box and specify the location of another configuration file if you do not want to use the default configuration file.