
Activity Insights

Use Activity Insights to see your teammates' contributions to shared drawing files, view version histories, and collaborate across AutoCAD products.

Activity Insights records each contributor's updates to a drawing file, streamlining collaboration and helping you pick up where you left off.



Activity Insights for AutoCAD on the web is available with a subscription to a desktop version of AutoCAD and Autodesk Docs.

Note: AutoCAD on the web and AutoCAD on mobile only track Activity Insights for drawings that are saved to Autodesk Docs.

See Activity Types

Below is a list of some of the activities logged on the Activity Insights palette:

Action Activity Insights tile
Saving an unnamed drawing New drawing created
Saving a version of the drawing Version (version number)
Saving to a different file format Saved to different format
Actions with Xrefs Referenced a DWG, Referenced by other DWG, and others
Drawing file cleanup Purged, Audited, and others

Collaborating Across AutoCAD Products

All AutoCAD products record drawing activities. AutoCAD on the web displays all activities for the open drawing even if a specific activity isn't supported within AutoCAD on the web. For example, the PURGE command is not supported in AutoCAD on the web, but the purge activity will show up in the Activity Insights palette for AutoCAD on the web if the action was performed in a different AutoCAD product.

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